Only 5 Chicago Cubs Players Stand For National Anthem Before Game Against St Louis Cardinals

Only 5 Chicago Cubs Players Stand For National Anthem Before Game Against St Louis Cardinals

Only 5 Chicago Cubs Players Stand For National Anthem Before Game Against St Louis Cardinals

Wow!! Only 5 Chicago Cubs baseball players actually came out and stood for the national anthem tonight before playing the St Louis Cardinals in St Louis.

The rest of the shitty Chicago Cubs players were either too anti-American or too fucking stupid to think with their own minds.

All of the St Louis Cardinals players came out and stood at attention, lined up on the sideline for the playing of the national anthem, like rational mature adults being given wild salaries for playing a kids game.

The Chicago Cubs manager, Joe Maddon, said that he didn’t care if his players knelt, or otherwise acted like spoiled little anti-American dickheads.

“We’re going to wait and see. And, again, if it does, that’s fine. I have no issues. I’m all into self-expression. And if a player feels that he needs to express himself in that manner, then so be it.” – Dumb-Ass Chicago Cubs Manager Joe Maddon

I wouldn’t doubt that the anti-American group of Cubs players is led by the stupid jackass Jason Heyward, who I can easily see being a “black power” dickhead, who would boycott the nation anthem, and talk other loser Cubs players into doing the same.

If the Chicago Cubs want to be helpful, or protest something of true consequence, maybe they should be protesting the black on black crime that has turned Chicago into a war-zone, where it is not at all uncommon for 30-40 people to be shot in a single weekend.

Joe Maddon and The Chicago Cubs should be embarrassed for their obvious hatred of America!


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