Who knew what, and when? I would think it should be pretty easy to narrow down the list of people who could have alerted and activated the 2nd failed assassin to try and kill President Trump again. Once again, the would-be assassin was known to the FBI ahead of the latest near assassination attempt against President Trump.


The fumbling, bumbling Secret Service / FBI either really fucked this one up as well, or they tried to let the would-be shooter go! We are hearing that, despite the Secret Service detecting and shooting at the failed 2nd assassin, their latest shooter would have gotten away clean if not for the luck of a citizen bystander, who was able to take a picture of the would-be assassin’s license plate! If not for the citizen getting the license plate number of the shooter’s vehicle, Routh would have disappeared and we wouldn’t know anything about what happened.

Stacey Plaskett, one of Kamala Harris’ disgusting top surrogates on the news actually even admitted it when she said that President Trump “needs to be shot — stopped.” Maybe it’s time for all of the American People to start calling for Stacey Plaskett to be shot… Oops.. Sorry, I mean stopped, NOT shot!

Since playing golf that day was a last-minute change in schedule, there would be a small number of people initially who knew where President Trump would be. Congress needs to get the phones of anyone and everyone who could have known about the change in schedule, and investigate all f their texts, emails, phone calls, social media posts, and especially any correspondence using secretive encrypted apps. Then they narrow it down one by one, and as soon as someone refuses to hand over their phones or says “Oh, our phones were recently wiped”, or “That data was lost while doing a backup.” then they are on the right track of the real perpetrators.

They need to put Routh in protective custody to prevent him from being “Epsteined” and keep him alive!

Ryan Wesley Routh laughed as he walked into court because he’s obviously been told that he will be taken good care of – too bad for Ryan Wesley Routh he didn’t really know what being “taken care of” really means when talking to the democrat Deep State criminals. Ryan Wesley Routh doesn’t realize that he will be killed to make sure that he stays quiet.

The next democrat Deep State assassination attempt on President Trump will done with a bomb, because the trans soy-boy losers on the left obviously can’t shoot..

Trump’s would-be assassin has walked into the courtroom laughing while being “shackled by his hands and feet.”

Routh has been charged with “possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.”

The judge says Routh could face up to “20 years in prison and half a million dollars in fines.”

Fox News reports that additional federal charges are possible, but the charges presented today “will keep him in jail.” During the hearing, Routh told the judge he “only makes about $3,000 a month” and has no assets other than “two trucks in Hawaii.”

The sheriff stated that when Routh was arrested, “his demeanor was perplexing.”

Officers had stopped his vehicle at gunpoint and ordered him out, and despite the seriousness of the situation, his “demeanor was perplexing in some way,” even though there were “numerous people out with rifles, uniformed personnel, a helicopter.”

Court documents revealed that Routh was driving a car with stolen plates at the time of his arrest. After fleeing the scene, “officers were able to pull him over and arrest him on I-95.” Additionally, it was noted that “Routh’s mobile phone was detected in the area” from 2:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. the day before his arrest.

Routh is currently being held in the Palm Beach County Jail and is expected to appear in court for his next hearing on Monday, September 23.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org