Democrats Allow Food Stamp Fraud To More Than Double In Under Three Years

Democrats Allow Food Stamp Fraud To More Than Double In Under Three YearsIt’s really not a shock that America’s Socialist in Chief is doing everything he can to waste more of our money trying to turn America into a Socialist country, but the latest report shows just how out-of-control Obama’s ridiculous fixation with pushing Americans to use Food Stamps is!

Obama Admin Actually Pays People To ‘Recruit’ Food Stamp Abusers

Food Stamp Fraud has more than doubled in under 3 years, which is actually behind pace with the Obama administration, whose fraud doubled about every 3 days.

In 2012, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official said that food stamp fraud totals $750 million each year – a number that more than doubles the cost of trafficking reported in a 2006- 2008 USDA study.

Kevin Concannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, told the Huffington Post last year that food stamp fraud totals around $750 million each year.

The $750 million number is more than double the amount in total dollars of fraud detected annually in a 2006-2008 study on trafficking – a type of fraud that involves

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Obama’s Department of Labor Covering Up Mass Layoff Possibility After Auto Defense Cuts

Obama's Department of Labor Covering Up Mass Layoffs Just Days Before Election, After Auto Defense Cuts Kick In

Obama's Department of Labor Covering Up Mass Layoffs Just Days Before Election, After Auto Defense Cuts Kick In

Why is the Department of Labor telling defense companies that it would be “inappropriate” to notify their employees of the good possibility of massive layoffs that the Democrats are forcing on the American People after the automatic defense cuts kick into effect?

The WARN Act, which is a law that REQUIRES companies to give their employees at least 60 days notification before layoffs take place, is being politically manipulated by Obama and his cronies in the Department of Labor.

Obama’s Department of Labor (DOL) is now telling defense companies that the WARN Act does not apply to defense companies, so it would be “inappropriate” to give the proper 60 day notification before hundreds of thousands of jobs are lost just days before the next election.

The Obama administration is trying to hide the fact that hundreds of thousands of jobs will be lost, just days before the next election, and because he actually does want the defense cuts, he designed the “Super …

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Obama Picks Yet Another Obama Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure - Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama Picks Yet Another Green Energy Failure – Additional $20 Million Wasted by Obama Crony Capitalism

Obama has a horrible track record on the green energy companies that he gives taxpayer money to, and yet another one of Obama’s green energy pet companies, Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, who received more than $20 million in federal tax credits and grants, has now closed it’s new one year old plant.

Obama wants you to believe that he had your interest in mind when he gave these wasteful loans totaling $ billions in lost taxpayer money, but the truth is that Obama only gave money to his friends and supporters. Obama didn’t care if the money was lost, or even if the companies survived. In fact I think that Obama wanted these companies to fail, and mostly gave to failing liberal-owned firms. The whole reason for the billions in wasted money that Obama threw down the toilet is to set his administration up to receive all of the paybacks.

The Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas, subsidized

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On Purpose: Obama’s Labor Dept “Overpaid” $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

On Purpose: Obama's Labor Dept "Overpaid" $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

On Purpose: Obama’s Labor Dept “Overpaid” $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

Obama’s Labor Department overpaid unemployment benefits in 2011 by over $14 Billion! Purposefully? We think so!

It is completely unbelievable that this was an accident, and we feel that this was a calculated “mistake” designed to further enslave the people who rely on their unemployment benefits to get by, and keep them firmly in the Democrat’s fold.

It’s really the same thing as the government bailouts and other Obama scams and scandals like Solyndra and other “green energy” scams that were designed to line the pockets of Obama’s friends and supporters.

Don’t spend that unemployment check too fast. The government might ask you to pay it back.

Overpayments are a rampant problem in the unemployment insurance system. The federal government and states overpaid an estimated $14 billion in benefits in fiscal 2011, or roughly 11% of all the jobless benefits paid out, according to reports from the U.S. Labor Department.

Of the states, Indiana was the worst offender, making more improper payments than it did correct ones.

Now, the

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Florida to File Lawsuit Against Department of Homeland Security Over Removal of Ineligible Voters

Obama and the Democrats do not want the ineligible voters removed from voter rolls for the next election because, if the ineligible voters are purged from the voter rolls, it will be much harder for Democrats to engage in their usual voter fraud – Cheating and fraud that the Obama administration will badly need if they want a chance at keeping the White House.

“We’ve been asking for the Department of Homeland Security’s database, SAVE, for months, and they haven’t given it to us.”

Instead of making sure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote, Democrats are fighting hard to allow all ineligible voters to stay on the voter rolls.

We doubt that the impending voter fraud will end up pushing Obama over the top, but there will be a lot of extra voter fraud in this election, and could make the race closer than it should be.

All ineligible voters should be removed from every state’s voter rolls, not just Florida!

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said he will sue the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to move

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Employed D.C. Government Workers Received Over $800,000 Fraudulent Unemployment Checks

What do you bet that the majority of these “above the law” criminal jackasses who took fraudulent unemployment checks are Democrats??
I would bet almost anything that, out of the 90 employed D.C. government workers, who are scamming the government to get unwarranted and fraudulent unemployment checks, the majority of the criminals are Democrats.

Hopefully, the D.C. Department of Employment Services will release the names of the 90 criminal D.C. government workers, so we can see who these criminals are, and then make sure that these criminals never get another public or government job, as long as they live!

We already know what will happen when the criminals have a chance to make up their excuses for their crimes.
These above the law criminals will most likely try and save their asses by saying their crimes of unemployment fraud were just an honest mistake, and that they never meant to take the money illegally, and may even try blaming it on someone who works for them.

They should all go to jail though, no matter what their party affiliation!


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Corrupt Bureau of Labor Statistics Illegally Helping North Carolina Democrat

To help the Democrats get ahead of bad news, and in order to try and help their re-election bids, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s staff have been illegally receiving insider information about monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The penalties for early release of this data include up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and anyone who has been breaking the law should be punished under these standards!

The Carolina Journal, published by the Raleigh-based John Locke Foundation (for which I’ve given paid speeches on occasion) reports that staffers in North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s office have been getting advance word on monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is highly illegal under federal law and violates what I have understood to be a strong tradition in the BLS and other government statistics that no one—no one at all, not even in the White House—gets advanced word ahead of the public announcement of government statistics.

There’s obviously good reason for this: someone with

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Federal Judge Upholds Majority of New Alabama Immigration Law

A Birmingham federal judge delt a damaging blow to the Obama administration and it’s Department of Justice today, as the federal judge upheld most of the new, tough, Alabama immigration law, which the Obama administration has filed a lawsuit to stop.

What kind of “president” would sue a state for wanting to enforce our nation’s laws, and stop illegal immigrants from entering our country, when Obama and the federal government would do nothing, other than make speeches, attack conservatives, and file lawsuits against anyone wanting to enforce the law. Obama doesn’t care about our nation’s laws.. All Obama cares about are his aspirations of transferring America into a Socialistic nation.

A Birmingham federal judge today upheld most sections of Alabama’s tough new immigration law. U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn ruled on a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit seeking to block the law.

Blackburn upheld a provision of the state law related to police stops and detentions of people suspected of being in the country illegally.

She also upheld sections requiring schools to check the citizenship status of children and

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