14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill – Tea Party Challenger Hunt Underway

14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill - Tea Party Challenger Hunt UnderwayHere are the names of the 14 Republican pussies in the Senate who caved to the Democrat’s and voted for the ‘Gang of 8’ pork-filled Amnesty bill.

Looking over this list – there is not one strong Conservative in the bunch. All of these fake conservatives have sold-out the American People for a few non-existent votes.

  • Lamar Alexander
  • Kelly Ayotte
  • Jeffrey Chiesa
  • Susan Collins
  • Bob Corker
  • Jeff Flake
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Dean Heller
  • John Hoeven
  • Mark Kirk
  • John McCain
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Marco Rubio

Hope it was worth it!

Each of these nutless turds will surely be targeted by Tea Party Patriots in the next election, and many of them will end up losing their cushy jobs due to their brainless vote for the surprise-filled ‘Gang of 8’ Amnesty bill, which will hopefully die in the House of Representatives anyway.

It’s time for John McCain, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Orrin Hatch, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, John Hoeven, Lisa Murkowskim, Mark Kirk, Dean Heller, Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte and Jeffrey Chiesa to go! Tea Party Patriots should make sure

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Dem War on 1st Amendment – Obama Admin Lawyers Say Anti-Muslim Social Media Posts Could Land You In Prison

Obama obviously hates the 1st amendment, and won’t stand for people disparaging his Muslim faith.

Obama’s nut-job Attorney for the Eastern district of Tennessee also doesn’t believe in the 1st amendment either, and has stated that you could actually go to prison for posting anti-Muslim posts on Twitter and other social media.

Honestly, Let the nutless turds in the Obama administration, and their attorneys, try and prosecute us for things we write and say, while exercising our 1st amendment rights. They will come off looking like the brain-dead corrupt communist fucks that they are.

The Obama administration actually wants to do away with most of the US Constitution.

First, it was the Obama administration cramming Obamacare down our throats, illegally and unconstitutionally making every person in America purchase a service that many don’t want, under penalty of being fined.

Next the Obama administration has been trying to do away with the 2nd amendment. The Obama administration has tried legislating to take away our 2nd amendment rights, and when that didn’t work, Obama enlisted his cronies in other departments to purchase …

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