Terrorist Friendly Obama Admin Knew Bergdahl was Criminal Deserter in 2009 – Well Before Prisoner Swap for 5 Dangerous Terrorist Leaders

The corrupt, terrorist friendly Obama administration knew that Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter, and possibly someone who also gave assistance to the enemy, before they exchanged 5 of the most dangerous terrorists we had in Gitmo, for the anti-American US soldier criminal.

Team Obama knew that what they were telling the American People was a bald-faced lie.

Well before the prisoner swap deal was made, and before Obama’s in-house liar, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, defended the prisoner swap on TV, saying Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction”, the corrupt Obama administration knew that Bergdahl was an anti-American criminal, who deserted his platoon to help the terrorists.

They knew that Bergdahl deserves the death penalty for his crimes of desertion and helping the enemy, and that he probably should have been left where he was, and not traded for 5 of the most dangerous terrorists in the world, which we had already spilled the blood of Americans to capture.

Once again, the Terrorist Friendly Obama Administration puts Muslim terrorists ahead of the American People.

How many times …

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Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Dangerous Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

The incompetent terrorist-friendly Obama administration has been negotiating with terrorists in Afghanistan, and have decided that it would be a good idea to release 5 dangerous terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for one US soldier who was captured because he apparently went AWOL from his post.

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

It seems that Sgt. Bergdahl was breaking the law by going AWOL. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was not captured while doing his duty on the battlefield. Sgt. Bergdahl was captured because he decided to leave his base an go on a walkabout.

The law requires Obama’s defense secretary to notify congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, but apparently Lawmakers were not notified of the terrorist exchange until after the transfer was complete.

The Obama administration has put Americans and many other people in grave danger by releasing these 5 very dangerous terrorists, knowing full well that thy will be receives as heroes, and will very quickly be back at their task of killing Americans.

“Trading five senior Taliban …

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Terrorist-Friendly Obama Department of Homeland Insecurity Secret “Hands Off” List Helps Terrorist-Connected People Gain Easy Access Into US

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Department of Homeland Insecurity Secret

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Department of Homeland Insecurity Secret “Hands Off” List Helps Terrorist-Connected People Gain Easy Access Into US

The corrupt and terrorist-friendly Obama administration has been caught yet again helping terrorists and hurting the security of the United States.

Obama’s corrupt Department of Homeland Security (“Insecurity” is more accurate) had put together a secret “Hands Off” list which provided easy access into the United States for people with ties to terrorists, including Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terror groups.

So Obama’s inept and terrorist-friendly DHS is actually welcoming in their terrorist friends into the country and allowing then to do their planning of the next big terror attack on our nation.

On top of that, the corrupt Obama administration has been secretly releasing thousands upon thousands of dangerous criminals back into the US population, so we are sure to be attacked again very soon. Thanks Obama!

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretly assembled a terrorist “hands off” list that permitted individuals with terrorist ties unfettered entrance into the United States, according to document released by Sen. Chuck Grassley

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Terrorist-Loving Obama Admin Disregards Terrorist-Filled Mosques From Unconstitutional NSA Spying Scheme

Obama’s spies are definitely unconstitutionally spying on Americans, but will not spy on terrorists in a mosque, where terrorists hang out.

So the corrupt friend of every terrorist – The Obama administration – says that their unconstitutional NSA spy ring has stopped “dozens” of terrorist attacks, which itself is completely false, but how can the brain-dead Obama administration think that their NSA Spying Scandal would help stop terrorists if they are not even spying on the terrorists.

This proves a few things.
1) The terrorist-friendly Obama administration actively helps terrorists avoid capture.
2) The Obama administration’s spying scheme was aimed at Americans, not terrorists.
3) The inept Obama administration has no clue what they are doing, or how to stop terrorism,.
4) Obama policies actually help terrorists enter our country and deliver their hate-filled terror attacks.

Homeland Insecurity: The White House assures that tracking our every phone call and keystroke is to stop terrorists, and yet it won’t snoop in mosques, where the terrorists are.

That’s right, the government’s sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories

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