Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America – Won’t Profile To Save American Lives

Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America - Won't Profile To Save American Lives

Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America – Won’t Profile To Save American Lives

No wonder why we continue to be attacked by terrorists who slip past our so-called “national security” personnel.

The brain-dead jackasses in Obama’s Department of Justice won’t consider religion, national origin, or gender/sexual orientation when trying to determine who is a dangerous criminal, and who is not, but they will spy on every aspect of an innocent American’s personal and private lives, with no reason whatsoever.

This is typical brainless action by Obama and his cronies, whether at the DOJ, NSA, IRS, or any of the other corrupt organizations that continue abusing the rights of Americans.

Actually, when you do some research into the terrorist attacks on our soil since Obama took office, you’ll quickly see that Obama’s brainless national security people have not stopped even one terrorist attack against America and our people. The only reason why there have not been many thousand more dead Americans at the hands of terrorists is because the terrorists don’t know how to make bombs. …

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9/11 Million Muslim March Comes Up 999,975 Muslims Short of Goal After Only 25 People Attend

Funny!! The so-called Million Muslim March that Muslim jackasses held on the anniversary of 9/11 was a complete flop! Only around 25 Muslims showed up for the march on the National Mall, even though they expected one million.. Good try jackasses!

9/11 Million Muslim March Comes Up 999,975 Muslims Short of Goal After Only 25 People Attend

9/11 Million Muslim March Comes Up 999,975 Muslims Short of Goal After Only 25 People Attend

These brainless dumb-asses, including the snaggletooth loser Cornel West, wanted a million Muslims to show up, but they couldn’t even get 50. Hilarious!

As of 12:35 PM EST on Wednesday, September 11, the much-ballyhooed Million Muslim March on the National Mall had a grand total of 25 attendees – including Professor Cornel West. The rally has thus far included some “prayers, speeches, and a moment of silence” for victims of the September 11, 2001 Islamist terror attacks. The rally, sponsored by the American Muslim Political Action Committee, was designed to protest America’s supposed misdeeds against Muslims across the globe since September 11, according to AMPAC: “In the past 12 years since 9/11 the United States government has failed to protect and promote Constitutional

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Lies or Just Wishful Thinking? Obama States ‘No Large-Scale Terrorist Attacks On United States’ Since 9/11

Brain-Dead Obama seems to think that there have been no terrorist attacks on the United States since 9/11.


Obama must have forgotten about the Ft Hood Terrorist Shooting Spree, the Benghazi Terrorist Attack in Libya, the Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing, and other successful terrorist attacks where the bombs didn’t explode. Has Obama forgotten about the Times Square Terrorist Bombing, where the bomb just fizzled and smoked, instead of exploding? This would be considered a “Successful” terrorist attack because Obama’s people did not stop the attack before the terrorist had a chance to detonate his explosive payload.

In reality, the Obama administration has not stopped many terrorist attacks from hitting their mark inside the United States. Most of the terrorists who have attacked our nation on Obama’s watch were not caught by Obama’s terrorist loving cronies.

Most terrorists attacking us during Obama’s time in office were successful in their plan, but did not have much luck getting their bombs to explode. If they would have been better at bomb-making, we could have easily added an additional 3-4 terrorist attacks and thousands …

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Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America - Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Even when all hell is breaking loose, the Obama administration continues their continually obsessive campaigning, which hasn’t stopped since Obama started his run at the presidency over 4 years ago.

Instead of doing something about the act of war committed against our country, Obama plans on reading more character assassination lies from his teleprompter, in hopes of bringing in more donations that he can use to run more advertisements – also filled with lies.

Let’s recap. Yesterday, riots broke out at American embassies in Egypt and Libya. The American ambassador and three other American officials were murdered. Their bodies were dragged through the streets to a cheering mob. This all happened on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, with the ridiculous pretext that throngs of muslims in two different countries were simultaneously offended over a stupid film no one knew existed. In Libya, at least, the murder of our diplomatic personnel is tantamount to an act of war. Yet, for Obama, the campaign must go

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