Obama’s Failed “Stimulus” Didn’t Create Jobs – Only Stole Jobs From Other Companies

We can now see that the Obama administration and Democrats have been lying about Obama’s wealth-spreading “Stimulus” creating jobs, when in reality, Obama’s failed job-killing, wealth-spreading “stimulus” didn’t actually create jobs for the unemployed. The “stimulus” only stole workers from other companies where they were already employed.

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released an important new study on the hiring practices of firms that used stimulus funds. It’s fairly comprehensive, based on over 1,300 surveys of managers and employees. There’s been very little good empirical data on the stimulus thus far, so the study contains a lot of valuable insights. Among the findings by authors Dan Rothschild and Garrett Jones:

Hiring isn’t the same as net job creation. In our survey, just 42.1 percent of the workers hired at ARRA-receiving organizations after January 31, 2009, were unemployed at the time they were hired (Appendix C). More were hired directly from other organizations (47.3 percent of post-ARRA workers), while a handful came from school (6.5%) or from outside the labor force (4.1%)(Figure 2). Thus, there was an

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Summary Of Tentative Debt Ceiling Deal Reached Between GOP And Obama

This is a summary of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement on, which many say, will only moderately help our debt problem, and may allow Obama and the Democrats to jack up people’s taxes in the process.

Many in the media will attribute some of the details of the deal to the Tea Party, which would be correct. Without the Tea Party’s influence, Obama and the Democrats would have been able to take this debt deal in a completely different direction, which most independents and conservatives would not be happy with at all.

Obama’s plan would have consisted mostly of cuts to the military, and tax increases to you and me, but little change would have been done to curb the Obama Administration’s over-spending binge, which got us into this precarious position in the first place. It is also Obama’s over-spending binge, and the threats of extra tax liabilities (or “revenues” in “Democrat-speak”) which has kept our economy from recovering, despite all of their unfortunate bailouts, buyouts, and useless Obama “stimulus”, which didn’t …

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Greenspan: Obama’s Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact

The Federal Reserve's massive stimulus program had little impact on the U.S. economy besides weakening the dollar.No matter what the Obama administration or the corrupt, liberal, Obama ass-kissing media says, our economy has not even started to recover after all of the “stimulus” money they spread around to their friends. The only thing that the stimulus did was to ensure that the people who were given the free money will be much more likely to vote for the Democrats, which is exactly what the left knew it would do, and nothing more.

It really seems as though Obama and the Democrats are actively TRYING to make our economy collapse so that they can then re-make the United States into the ideal Communist/Socialist country that they have always wanted.

The Federal Reserve’s massive stimulus program had little impact on the U.S. economy besides weakening the dollar and helping U.S. exports, Federal Reserve Governor Alan Greenspan told CNBC Thursday.

In a blunt critique of his successor, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Greenspan said the $2 trillion in quantative easing over the past two years had done little to loosen credit and boost the economy.

“There is no evidence that

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Obama Doners Get Cushy Government Jobs, Contracts, Stimulus Money

Just as we always knew. The people who supported Obama in his bid for the presidency, are now getting special treatment from the Obama administration in the form of cushy government jobs, government contracts, and millions in free stimulus money.

Obama losing in 2012 can’t come fast enough!!

Telecom executive Donald H. Gips raised a big bundle of cash to help finance his friend Barack Obama’s run for the presidency.

Gips, a vice president of Colorado-based Level 3 Communications, delivered more than $500,000 in contributions for the Obama war chest, while two other company executives collected at least $150,000 more.

After the election, Gips was put in charge of hiring in the Obama White House, helping to place loyalists and fundraisers in many key positions. Then, in mid-2009, Obama named him ambassador to South Africa. Meanwhile, Level 3 Communications, in which Gips retained stock, received millions of dollars of government stimulus contracts for broadband projects in six states — though Gips said he had been “completely unaware” that the company had received the contracts.

More than two years after Obama

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