Obama Gave Solyndra Shareholders and Executives $500 Million “Thank You” For Donations

The more that we learn about the Solyndra Scandal, the more it looks like Obama used our money to repay some of his major contributors, who were the shareholders and executives of the company who received a $500 million loan shortly before filing for bankruptcy.

POOF!!! Another half a billion dollars obviously misused and wasted by the most corrupt administration in the history of our nation.

We know that the badly failed Obama stimulus was just a veiled “Thank You” payout to the unions, in hopes that a good chunk of that money would flow back into the Democrat coffers, in the form of campaign contributions, (basically, political money laundering) but how many more Solyndras are out there?

A solar energy company that intends to file for bankruptcy received $535 million in backing from the federal government and has a cozy history with Democrats and the Obama administration, campaign finance records show.

Shareholders and executives of Solyndra, a green energy company producing solar panels, fundraised for and donated to the Obama administration to the tune of hundreds of thousands of

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Brain-Dead Democrat Rep. Schakowsky: Americans Don’t Deserve to Keep Their Money

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky says that Americans don’t deserve to keep all of the money that we make. On top of that, she says that the only reason who Obama’s “stimulus” program didn’t work is because it was too small!

Not surprisingly, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is a representative for the Chicagoland Illinois District 9. (probably one of the most corrupt districts in America)

Where do these brain-dead Democrats come from, and who is still voting for these idiots? Lets all make sure to get to the polls in 2012 and vote these jackasses out of office.

A lot of reaction Wednesday morning to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s interview with Don Wade and Roma.

Schakowsky said that Americans don’t deserve to keep all of their money because we need taxes to support our society.

“I’ll put it this way. You don’t deserve to keep all of it and it’s not a question of deserving because what government is, is those things that we decide to do together. And there are many things that we decide to do together like have our national security.

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Solyndra, Major Obama Donor, Declares Bankruptcy After Receiving $535 Million Federal Loan

So let’s get this straight. This is different than the very similar story of Evergreen Solar Inc, which also received millions of dollars from the Obama administration, before going bankrupt.

The Obama administration guaranteed a another failing company, Solyndra solar panel company, $535 million government backed loan, which seems more like a reward for the donations Steve Westley gave to the Obama campaign. The company then declares bankruptcy, lays off 1,100 employees, and bilks the U.S. People out of a half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. Then Obama goes off the deep end and names the donor, Steve Westley, to the President’s Energy Advisory Board.

This stinks like more corruption of the worst kind from the Obama administration.

Solyndra, a San Francisco based solar panel company that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government has declared bankruptcy. Last year President Obama touted the company as “leading the way” in the green jobs future he envisions.

Just a few months ago, ABC News revealed that one of the major financial backers for Solyndra is also a

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