Terrorists Love Eric Holder – Eric Holder Loves Terrorists

Terrorists Love Eric Holder - Eric Holder Loves TerroristsThe story below describes how Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge who interrupted the first interrogation of confessed terrorist bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to read him his Miranda rights, thereby preventing the terrorist bomber from giving up any additional information.

The story is taking the Obama administration’s word for what happened though, and we know that it is a lie.

There is NO WAY IN HELL that this judge went over to stop the interrogation, and read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his rights, without the approval of Attorney General Eric Holder.

Terrorist-lover Eric Holder wanted to protect the terrorist from having to say anything that could get him in more trouble, and even worse for the Obama administration, he would let the cat out of the bag that the Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing was the work of 2 people in a much larger terrorist cell.

Obama and Eric Holder – Weak on Terrorism – Tough on Americans

On April 27, Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge’s decision to read confessed terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights after only 16

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Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward” Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Obama's New Campaign Slogan "Forward" Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Obama's New Campaign Slogan "Forward" Has Long Ties to Marxism, Socialism

Leave it to the Obama administration to start using a Socialist / Communist / Marxist political term “Forward!” as their new slogan.

“The slogan “Forward!” reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism.”

The Obama administration is trying to send a subtle message to the far left by using such a seemingly harmless word, that many Americans would not think more about, yet the underlying meanings to the far left who want Socialism / Marxism in America are immense!

The Obama campaign apparently didn’t look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, “Forward” — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name “Forward!” or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called “Forward (generic name of socialist publications).”

“The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political

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