Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached Womanizer & Accused of Rape: Bill Clinton Says Obama Made Military Less Racist, Less Sexist, and Less Homophobic

Impeached, Womanizer, Bill Clinton says that Obama made the American military less racist, less sexist and less homophobic.

“One of the things the decider-in-chief has to do is decide whether he’s going to bring this country together across all its diversity or let it drift apart. Look at how much stronger the American military is because it is less racist, less sexist and less homophobic and we’re just looking for people who can do the job”

We would have to 100% disagree that any changes the corrupt and brain-dead Obama administration made did nothing to make the military less racist, less sexist, and less homophobic, but what Obama DID do is make the military much weaker, and much less safe.

Who the hell cares what Clinton thinks anyway? Honestly, the people of the United States must have amnesia if they think that Bill Clinton is a good guy. Clinton has actually been accused of sexual assault more than 30 times, and …

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Military Coalition Under-Reporting Afgan on American Violence

US-Led Military Coalition Under-Reporting Afgan on American Violence

US-Led Military Coalition Under-Reporting Afgan on American Violence

Why is the U.S. military coalition in Afghanistan under-reporting the number of attacks on American troops by Afghan soldiers and police?

I can give you a very good guess. We think the reason why the U.S. military coalition in Afghanistan is under-reporting attacks is because the increased attacks against our military reflects bad on Obama and the Obama administration’s badly failed policies, and would ultimately hurt his chances for being re-elected.

Remember back before the last election when the Dumbocrats were saying that, if elected, Obama would slow the rise of the oceans, heal the planet, and repair our foreign relations.. Yea, so much for any of those coming true. The Obama administration has been pushing fake global warming details that were either false or completely wrong, and Democrats and the Obama administration have made our standing in the world much weaker.

The U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan is under-reporting the number of times that Afghan soldiers and police open fire on American and other foreign troops.

The coalition routinely reports attacks

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