New Students for Life of America Video Debunks Planned Parenthood Fake 3% Baby Murder Statistics

Planned Parenthood, the #1 Baby Murder Mill in the United States, has stated that baby murders (abortions) only make up 3% of the services they offer, but this new video explains why that 3% number of baby murders is completely misleading and false.

The truth is that 93.78% of women that come to Planned Parenthood for pregnancy services will end up killing their baby. That’s a far cry from the 3% lie that liberal baby murders want you to believe!

A new video produced by pro-life group Students for Life of America exposes the false math pushed by Planned Parenthood to attempt to downplay how much of their services revolve around abortion services.

Planned Parenthood claims that abortions account for only 3% of its total services offered to patients: 327,166 abortions out of a total of 10.9 million “total services” offered that year. But as Students for Life of America explains, that figure requires deliberately deceptive math and masks the truth of the centrality of abortion in its operations.

The video unpacks the “bias model” used by Planned Parenthood which,

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St Louis Planned Parenthood Botches More Baby Murders – Send Woman Out on Gurney

The Planned Parenthood in St Louis has botched yet another baby murder abortion, sending another woman to the hospital – The last woman sent out of the St Louis Planned Parenthood baby murder mill on a gurney was covered head to toe with a sheet, and the ambulance left without turning on it’s lights or siren, which tells us that the woman was most likely dead.

St Louis Planned Parenthood Botches More Baby Murders - Sends Women Out on Gurney

St Louis Planned Parenthood Botches More Baby Murders – Sends Women Out on Gurney

If the lady did die after the abortion, that is pretty ironic and poetic at the same time.. The lady went to Planned Parenthood to kill her baby, and Planned Parenthood kills the baby, and also may have ended up killing the lady herself. I’d probably even have to have to laugh a bit.. “What comes around, goes around” to people who murder their babies.

Since 2009 reports show that the St Louis Planned Parenthood office had 29 incidents where their killing of innocent babies was botched, or went wrong in some way.

When will the People of the United …

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