Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office

Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal "Journalist" Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office - Sounds like Watergate

Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office – Sounds like Watergate

For those brain-dead liberals who say that Obama is nothing like Nixon, I would say think again!
Every report shows that the corrupt Obama administration has been regularly engaging in criminal activity which is far worse that that of Nixon.

Didn’t Watergate bring down Nixon, and wasn’t the Watergate Scandal started when Nixon’s people bugged the DNC offices? Then afterwards, they lied about the crime,and worked hard to cover it up.

Sound familiar? This is EXACTLY what the Democrats have done, and if allowed to be investigated in the same way that Watergate was investigated, we are sure that this would lead directly to the top, stopping on Obama’s Oval Office desk.

Not only have they bugged the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters, but when you add up all of the other scandals and coverups being stonewalled and stalled by Obama, Holder, and the Democrats, it should be more than enough to Impeach the worst and most corrupt president in United …

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Obama Administration Kills American Innocent Bystanders With Kill List Drone Strikes

You better know who is within a few hundred yards of you at every minute with Obama in the Oval Office.

Not only does Obama feel that his administration has the right to kill Americans, without due process, with secret Kill List drone strikes, but you are also in danger if you are even in the general vicinity of someone on Obama’s Kill List.

Imagine going out to eat while on vacation abroad, and you unknowingly go to a restaurant where someone on Obama’s Kill List is eating. Without any warning, In comes one of Obama’s drone strikes, and Boom! Everyone who was unlucky enough to choose the same restaurant is now dead. It can happen. Ask the 4 Americans, that we know of, that Obama already killed. If they are reporting 4 were killed, the chances are that the number is much higher.

One day before President Obama is due to deliver a major speech on national security, his administration on Wednesday formally acknowledged that the United States had killed four American citizens in drone strikes in Yemen and

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Obama’s Incessant Golfing Becomes Touchy Subject for Re-Election Team

Obama's Incessant Golfing Becomes Touchy Subject for Re-Election Team

Obama’s Incessant Golfing Becomes Touchy Subject for Re-Election Team

In the past 4 years Obama has spent more time playing on the golf course than in the Oval Office, and when he is in the Oval Office, Obama is thinking about golf.

The Obama re-election team is worried people will learn that in only 4 years in office Obama has played golf four times more than Bush did in his eight years as President. That is pretty shocking!

So while America and the world fell apart on his watch, and partially due to his administration’s failed policies, Obama decided his time was better spent playing well over 100 games of golf out on the golf course.

A coalition of golf lovers are asking Republicans to stop making so many jokes about President Barack Obama’s love for the golf course, saying such comments are bad for the golf industry.

But could politics be at play too?

The Daily Caller has learned that Tony Podesta, a well-known Democratic lobbyist with strong ties to the Obama White House, is behind the We Are

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New TNT Show ‘Perception’ Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

A new crime-solving drama show on TNT (like we need more), where Eric McCormack plays a neuroscience professor with paranoid schizophrenia who is recruited by the FBI, came out of the gate with a thud, as they lost half of their viewers halfway through the very first episode with a tasteless attack on President Bush.

New TNT Show 'Perception' Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

New TNT Show ‘Perception’ Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

During one scene, Eric McCormack’s character is standing in front of a mental patient, watching a TV playing President Bush’s speech where he was explaining the reasoning for going into Iraq. He then starts explaining a neurological condition where the patient cannot understand speech, but can detect lies. Seconds later the mental patient starts to laugh a little bit and then goes back silent, inferring that President Bush was lying when telling us the reasoning for sending troops into Iraq, and taking out Sadam Hussain.

The truth is that President Bush used the same intel that many other countries used, who also felt that Obama had weapons of mass destruction. Many …

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Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation – Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation - Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation - Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Everyone knows, without a doubt, that someone in the Obama administration has been leaking important classified national security information to the media, and anyone else they think might help their re-election efforts.

Obama’s Ultra-Corrupt Attorney General Eric H. Holder is helping cover-up the crimes by the Obama administration, and instead of naming an independent special prosecutor to the case, Holder named two U.S. attorneys, who are probably just more shills for the Obama administration, and will not hold the Obama or his people accountable for their crimes.

There is absolutely no way that anyone outside Obama’s inner circle could have leaked the national security information because the leaks came from inside the Oval Office, where the only people you will find are Obama’s people. You will not find a janitor in the Oval Office while their meetings are taking place, so the leaks HAD to be committed by someone inside Obama’s group of aids and advisers.

Any denials by the Obama administration to …

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‘Yes We Can’ Social Club Busted for Drugs, Prostitution

I guess when people heard Obama’s tag line ‘Yes We Can’, they took that to mean they can literally do anything they want. With the crime and corruption they see has taken over the Democrat party, from the top down, it’s not surprising in the least.

Hell, if so many members of the Democrat Culture of Corruption feel it’s OK to evade paying taxes, having sex with prostitutes, using the Oval Office as their personal brothel, or hanging out with radical terrorists, it’s no wonder why this social club felt that they weren’t doing anything wrong.

St. Louis County police will release more information this afternoon about 30 people were taken into custody from a home in Bel-Ridge last week.

They were taken into custody shortly before midnight on August 11.

Police said they went to a home in the 8800 block of Snowhill Court to execute a search warrant for prostitution, drugs and alcohol.

According to the Missouri Secretary of State’s website, the business, Yes We Can Social Club, is run out of that home.

Police have not yet

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Steve Wynn: Obama Greatest Wet Blanket to Business & Job Creation in Lifetime

Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts is saying the same things that we have been saying since Obama’s idiotic policies started being crammed out the door of the White House and directly down our throats. President Obama is the main thing that is keeping our nation’s recovery from taking off. The people who make the jobs in the U.S. are afraid to make business moves for fear of what the job-killing Obama administration is going to do next.

We agree with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when he said “after years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is unattainable,”

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

“..those of us who have business opportunities and the capital to do it are going to sit in fear of the President.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

Who doesn’t love a good

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