Brainless Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney Uses Fake Story As Evidence in Obamacare Hearing

Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney has to be one of the dumbest Democrat Representatives, or at least we would hope she is, because this lady must be completely f’ing stupid!


Rep. Carolyn Maloney called a satirical New Yorker feature, called The Borowitz Report, a “distinguished report”, which said that Republicans were angry that the Obamacare website didn’t work, and now they are angry because the Obamacare website is working TOO WELL!

Well, anyone without her nose up Obama’s ass would know right away that this was a fake news story – Why? because the Obamacare website doesn’t work at all, and everyone knows it, except for brainless dumbass Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

Maybe the United States should start giving our elected officials IQ tests, and anyone with the IQ of a wet bowl of oatmeal, as seems to be the case with Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney, should be rejected outright.

There was an awkward moment at today’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Obamacare when a New York Democrat rapped GOP critics with quotes from a satirical New

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Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare’s Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare's Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

Huge No-Bid Contract for Obamacare’s Worthless Website Went to Michelle Obama Friends

No wonder why the $500+ Million Obamacare website is such a broken, overpriced and worthless piece of shit..

The Obamacare website contract was handed out to friends of Michelle Obama, apparently without even taking bids for the contract.

Why wouldn’t the Obama administration take bids for such a huge contract, when the US government is supposed to take bids on all contracts? The reason is because this was just another example in the long, long line of Obama’s political paybacks using $ Billions of our money, to fill the pockets of his friends, cronies, and political supporters. Crony Capitalism at it’s finest.

Not only is the Obamacare website a non-functioning piece of shit, it appears to use a pre-built “Super Heroes” website template that the sham of a company, CGI Federal, edited to make the Obamacare website. Super Heroes names were even still found in the code of the website where the developers didn’t change it from the template’s previous purpose as a Super Heroes website.

CGI Federal …

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