Criminal Obama NSA Launches Cyber Attacks Against Financial Institutions – Changes $ Amounts Held In Bank Accounts

Criminal Obama NSA Launches Cyber Attacks Against Financial Institutions - Changes $ Amounts Held In Bank Accounts

Criminal Obama NSA Launches Cyber Attacks Against Financial Institutions – Changes $ Amounts Held In Bank Accounts

So not only is the criminally corrupt Obama NSA illegally and unconstitutionally spying on all Americans, a new report says that Obama’s criminally corrupt NSA has been attacking financial institutions, and even changing the amount of money listed in bank accounts.

Still, the worthless and corrupt Obama-swooning media stay silent as the Obama administration breaks the law billions of times a day, in the most dangerous possible way.

A White House review panel report into the activities of the NSA suggested that the government was using the spy agency to launch cyber attacks against financial institutions and change the amounts held in bank accounts.

The 300 page report prepared for President Barack Obama by the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology called for the NSA to be stripped of its power to obtain bulk collections of telephone records.

Page 221 of the panel’s report states;

(1) Governments should not use surveillance to steal industry secrets to advantage their domestic industry;

(2) Governments

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Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Inept Handling of Libya Cost American Lives & National Security Secrets

The inexperienced and inept “leadership” of the Obama administration led to the loss of American lives, treasure, national security secrets and much more.

Watch Obama dance around the question “Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi Libya denied requests for help during that attack?”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

The answer is a definite Yes. The Americans under attack in Benghazi DID request help, but were denied by the Obama administration, so for Obama to say that they are “finding out exactly what happened” is a bunch of bullshit. The Obama administration had a drone flying above Benghazi filming the attack for 7 hours, and reports have said that “CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

The Benghazi-gate cover-up by the Obama administration and other corrupt liberals is being ignored by the dying …

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Corrupt Obama-Swooning ‘Lame Street’ Media Ignores Biggest Religious Lawsuit in U.S. History

The corrupt, brain-dead, Obama-swooning media has all but ignored the largest religious lawsuit in the history of the United States!
On Monday, 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations filed a huge lawsuit against the Obama administration over the Obama administration’s health insurance mandate, yet the media doesn’t seem to think it is a worthy news story to share with the public.

“This is the worst bias by omission I have seen in the quarter century history” – Media Research Center

The evening news broadcasts all but spiked the largest legal action in history to defend our constitutionally protected religious freedom. The May 21 editions of ABC’s World News and NBC’s Nightly News refused to report the fact that 43 Catholic dioceses and organizations filed a lawsuit on Monday against the Obama administration. CBS Evening News gave this historic news a mere 19 seconds of air time.

This is the worst bias by omission I have seen in the quarter century history of the Media Research Center. Every American knows about the Chinese communists withholding for 20 years the news that the

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Left-Wing Nut-Job “Slut” Sandra Fluke Wants Companies to Fund Employee Sex Changes!

Left-Wing Nut-Job "Slut" Sandra Fluke Wants Companies to Fund Employee Sex Changes!

Left-Wing Nut-Job "Slut" Sandra Fluke Wants Companies to Fund Employee Sex Changes!

Left-Wing Nut-Job “Slut” Sandra Fluke is not the innocent young lady caught up in a firestorm over publicly funded birth control for women, as she and the corrupt left-wing media want you to believe. Sandra Fluke is actually a complete left-wing-crack-pot thinks, and argued that American employers should be on the hook to pay for their employee’s sex changes!

In an article titled “Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons”, which Nut-Job Sandra Fluke co-edited, she says “Transgender persons wishing to undergo the gender reassignment process frequently face heterosexist employer health insurance policies that label the surgery as cosmetic or medically unnecessary and therefore uncovered.”

So, as we have seen time and time again, it is OK for brain-dead jackasses on the left, like Bill Maher, to call conservative women any vile word they want, and the corrupt media never says a word. When a conservative says something derogatory, about a liberal woman, on the other hand, the hypocritical jackasses on the left, and the corrupt Obama-swooning media is up …

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MSNBC Plays Race Card Against AP For Accurate Transcription of Obama’s Speech

So, Obama can speak in Ebonics, but nobody is allowed to transcribe the actual words Obama speaks, without being called a racist..

If it was not considered racist to speak the way that Obama spoke in his speech to the Black Caucus, then not editing Obama’s spoken words to include the G’s at the end of his words cannot be racist either. If the AP removed the G’s from Obama’s words on their own, then I’d say that a charge of racism may be a little more warranted, but the AP accurately transcribed Obama’s actual words.

I think the real issue is that the Democrats don’t like that Obama sounds like a total idiot when he tries to speak like he is one of the middle class people he is speaking to. Normally, the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media covers for Obama, and would have re-written his speech Ebonics with real words, and Obama and the Democrats are shocked that someone in the media (other than FOX) would not white-wash the details of Obama’s speech to save him from additional embarrassment.


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Desperate Left Continues Blaming Tea Party For Obama’s Failed Economic Policy

I laugh at these stupid hacks on TV, like Loony-Bin Alan Colmes, Goof-Ball Ed Schultz, Wack-Job Al Gore, and even No-Jobs Obama and Joe Gaff-Master Biden and Rep. Nobody-Cares Mike Doyle, who blame the Tea Party for Obama’s failure to produce a budget in 3 years, in conjunction with Obama’s out-of-control spending, which are the real reasons we are facing the precarious position of our economy.

Instead of taking blame for their fiscal failures and inability to govern, they play the blame game and blame everything and everyone under the sun, and then attack the Tea Party. These jackasses have called us terrorists, rapists, kidnappers, suicide bombers, and other completely crazy, false, and derogatory terms that they wanted the Corrupt Obama Swooning Media to latch onto, and then drum-beat into the heads of the know-nothing-mush-brains out there who believe anything they hear on these corrupt media outlets.

The truth is that IF Obama’s failed stimulus would have worked, and actually created jobs, there would have been a plenty of “revenues” flowing into the government, and there never would …

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Washington Times: ‘Is Obama a pathological liar?’

The quick and easy answer is yes, we feel that Obama is an out-of-control pathological liar.

Obama will say anything to get the slightest sliver of support for his failed policies that have made our country’s medium sized problems into an emergency by cramming through their socialist policies, and raising our debt by $2.5260 trillion in under 2 years!

Lets take a little closer look at the Debt problem that the Obama Administration orchestrated.
The liars in the Obama Administration have been deceiving the American People by telling them that the debt is the fault of President Bush, Republicans, big business, or tax breaks for businesses that create jobs, and produce goods and services that support jobs in many other other industries, when the truth is that Obama heaped more debt onto our nation’s back in his first 19 months than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

We feel that the Obama administration put our nation in this precarious position on purpose to try and put the American People’s backs up against a wall which could then be …

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