Black and Hispanic Families Lose More Wealth Under Obama Admin than Other Groups

Unemployment Rate for Blacks Jumps to 14.4 Percent - Hispanic and Latino Unemployment Rate at 11.0 PercentThis goes to show how completely unconcerned Obama and his cronies are with the plight of African Americans and Hispanic people.

If Obama was concerned with the living standard of African Americans and Hispanic families, you would have seen some kind of positive change in the earning ratios of those groups, but this is far from the case.

In fact an Urban Institute study shows that the earning ratios for African Americans and Hispanic families has not improved at all, and has actually gotten much worse under the Obama administration.

We will say it again, and this time include Hispanics.
Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People or Hispanic People unless they are rich and donating loads of their money to the perpetual Obama campaign.

Millions of Americans suffered a loss of wealth during the recession and the sluggish recovery that followed. But the last half-decade has proved far worse for black and Hispanic families than for white families, starkly widening the already large gulf in wealth between non-Hispanic white Americans and most minority groups, according to a new study from

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Obama Doesn’t REALLY Care About Black People – Black Unemployment Sky-High

Obama Doesn't REALLY Care About Black People - Black Unemployment Sky-HighObama as done absolutely nothing for the Black Community, and even less for blacks who are unemployed.

Instead of helping blacks, he has squandered away funds that could have been used to help on green energy companies that were already failing, and who ended up taking huge amounts of our money, only to file bankruptcy, making our money disappear in a quick poof of air.

Obama knew that these companies would go under, but saw an easy way to line the pockets of his friends and supporters with our money, in exchange for more political donations, and voter fraud to help win the election.

Democrats and blacks seem to hate President Bush, but in reality President Bush was the only president who gave a damn about the Black Community. Under President Bush, black unemployment was the lowest it has been in the last 50 years.

  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under President Bush is 7% unemployment.
  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under Obama is 13.8% unemployment.

This proves that Obama doesn’t care about black people. He only cares …

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Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

At the biggest joke of a news station, (if you can call them a news station) Lawrence O’Donnell and other brain-dead MSNBC hacks, try and claim that Mitt Romney purposefully said things to be booed by blacks during his NAACP speech, in order to attract votes ‘in certain racist precincts’ from racist Republicans.

We have said it before and we will say it again… IF ANY ONE GROUP CAN BE CONSIDERED RACIST, IT IS THE DEMOCRATS!
Democrats are the ones to enslaved Black People and kept slavery going until Republicans ended slavery in the Civil War.

The only reason why people actually believe the Democrat lies that Republicans are racist, is because they have no brains, and cannot think for themselves. If the sheep could think for themselves, they would do some research into slavery, racism in America, and who fought and gave their lives to end slavery. I’ll give them a hint.

Democrats fought to keep Black people in slavery, and Republicans gave their lives

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