Benghazi-Gate: Obama’s Inept Handling of Libya Cost American Lives & National Security Secrets

The inexperienced and inept “leadership” of the Obama administration led to the loss of American lives, treasure, national security secrets and much more.

Watch Obama dance around the question “Were the Americans under attack at the Consulate in Benghazi Libya denied requests for help during that attack?”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

The answer is a definite Yes. The Americans under attack in Benghazi DID request help, but were denied by the Obama administration, so for Obama to say that they are “finding out exactly what happened” is a bunch of bullshit. The Obama administration had a drone flying above Benghazi filming the attack for 7 hours, and reports have said that “CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to “stand down” when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.”

The Benghazi-gate cover-up by the Obama administration and other corrupt liberals is being ignored by the dying …

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No Shock Here: ADP Downgrades Obama’s September Job Creation Numbers

No Shock Here: ADP Downgrades Obama's September Job Creation Numbers

No Shock Here: ADP Downgrades Obama’s September Job Creation Numbers

Just as we suspected in our October 5th post titled “New Jobs Numbers Fixed By Obama Supporters at Bureau of Labor Statistics?”, Obama’s intentionally inflated jobs numbers have yet again been downgraded to show that Obama’s job creation is far from adequate, and also shows that Obama has other government agencies covering up his administration’s failures.

So ADP initially reported that the Obama administration had created 162,000 jobs, when in reality that number was a MUCH lower 88,200.
How can an honest company, who does this type of thing for every jobs report be off on their reported numbers by almost 74,000 jobs, unless they are bowing to the wishes of the Obama administration to inflate the numbers to try and trick the American People.

Revisions to the way payroll data firm ADP counts private sector job creation have resulted in a sharp drop in the September employment count.

ADP’s new calculations put the monthly job creation at just 88,2000, down from the 162,000 the firm originally reported earlier

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Chevy Volt Battery Manufacturer Received $150 Million from Obama – Now Furloughs Workers

Chevy Volt Battery Manufacturer Received $150 Million from Obama - Now Furloughs Workers

Chevy Volt Battery Manufacturer Received $150 Million from Obama – Now Furloughs Workers

Mitt Romney was right when he said to Obama in the 1st debate – “You don’t pick the winners and losers. You just pick the losers.”

Obama has the worst track record for usually always picking the losers to waste our money on, but USBACKLASH feels that this pattern of picking the losers and throwing billions of dollars down the toilet is by design of the Obama administration, and everything is working just as planned.

The Obama supporters who receive the free government money probably don’t even want to be in the “green energy” business, but they know if they get in for a while, take the American People’s money, and then go bankrupt, then they can keep a large chunk of money as a payback from Obama, and get out of the business.

President Obama touted it in 2010 as evidence “manufacturing jobs are coming back to the United States,” but two years later, a Michigan hybrid battery plant built with $150 million in taxpayer funds

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Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase

Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office - Terrorist Attacks Increase

Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase

Obama must have friends and supporters in foreign countries that need to have their pockets lined with free American money.

The unbelievably incompetent Obama administration has increased aid payouts to foreign countries by over 80% since taking office in 2008, while at the same time have allowed violent protests and terrorist attacks, aimed at America, to dramatically increased as well.

After years of ratcheting down the amount of money given away as foreign aid to countries that hate us, the United States was down to giving away $11.427 billion per year to foreign countries in international assistance programs, and today Obama has greatly increased this amount to $20.599 billion per year in 2011.

We would bet that the majority of this money is being misused, and that an investigation would show that the Obama White House has pulled strings to get the money to Obama’s foreign friends and cronies.

From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government increased

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Obama The Job Assassin – 55% of Business Owners Wouldn’t Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations

Obama The Job Assassin - 55% of Business Owners Wouldn't Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations

Obama The Job Assassin – 55% of Business Owners Wouldn’t Start Business Under Burdensome Obama Regulations – You didn’t build that!

It’s pretty sad when 55 percent of business owners surveyed say that they would not have started their businesses under Obama’s burdensome regulations, and 54 percent say other countries like China and India are more supportive of small businesses and manufacturers than the Obama administration.

It’s even worse when 69 percent of business owners say that Obama’s policies have hurt small businesses and manufacturers, while 67 percent say, due to Obama’s over-regulation, there is too much uncertainty in the market today to expand their businesses.

Fifty-five percent of small business owners and manufacturers would not have started their businesses in today’s economy, according to a new poll that also reports 69 percent say President Obama’s regulatory policies have hurt their businesses.

“There is far too much uncertainty, too many burdensome regulations and too few policymakers willing to put aside their egos and fulfill their responsibilities to the American people,” said Jay Timmons, president of the National Association of Manufacturers,

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Obama Lies About Libya – White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

Obama Lies About Libya - White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

Obama Lies About Libya – White House Cover-Up Aimed to Keep You From Knowing What REALLY Happened

The Obama Administration is desperate to hide he details of what really happened in Libya, when the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists using heavy weapons including automatic assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. They are so desperate that they have tried their best to cover-up the details of what happened, what they knew about the attack, and when they knew it.

Obama doesn’t want you to know that they were warned 3 days ahead of time about the impending attack, yet the Obama administration did nothing, and they warned nobody of the danger they were made aware of. Obama actually went to bed instead of sending out a warning.

Obama doesn’t want you to know how bad they bungled the aftermath of the terrorist attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens – How they left sensitive information insecure and open to fall into the hands of the enemy; some of which, like Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ personal journal that CNN had to rescue …

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Anti-American Protests – World-Wide Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Noise’ & ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Anti-American Protests - World Riots - Americans Attacked and Killed - All Just 'Bumps in the Road' for Obama

Anti-American Protests – World Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Americans have been killed, continue to be targets of violence, and people around the world riot against Obama’s foreign policy, yet Obama calls the world unrest just “bumps in the road”.

If these world-wide problems and violence are just “bumps in the road” for the Obama administration, this goes to show how completely out-of-touch with reality Obama really is – both in domestic and foreign policy.

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

The administration is pushing back against questions and criticism over the security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, as well as President Obama’s remarks about the Middle East in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes.”

Asked if the unrest in the Middle East has given him pause, President Obama said he knew there were “going to be bumps in the road,” in the interview.

“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights—a notion that—people have—to be able to—participate—in—their own governance,”

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Obama’s Chronic Cronyism: Obama Administration Nominates Wife of Major Donor to U.N. Gen. Assembly

Obama's Chronic Cronyism: Obama Administration Nominates Wife of Major Donor to U.N. Gen. Assembly

Obama’s Chronic Cronyism: Obama Administration Nominates Wife of Major Donor to U.N. Gen. Assembly

In another payback appointment, the Obama administration continues their corrupt cronyism, as they nominate Cheryl Saban to be a representative of the United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Cheryl Saban is the wife of a major Obama donor, Univision chairman Haim Saban, who has given Democrats over $1 million in 2012, and has donated at least $333,333 to Obama’s Super PAC, Priorities USA.

It has also been reported that “Cheryl Saban’s nomination comes less than a month after her husband penned a New York Times op-ed defending President Obama’s Israel record.”

Obama hasn’t been President of the United States of America for 4 years – Instead Obama has been the president of Obama’s Crony States of America for 4 years.

The White House announced Wednesday it has nominated Cheryl Saban, the wife of Univision chairman Haim Saban, to be a representative of the United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Cheryl Saban is described as an “author, philanthropist, and

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