Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren Digs Up Possible 1⁄32nd Native American Heritage

Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage, which has been reported that she touted to get hired at Harvard, is in serious question.

Ethically-Challenged Elizabeth Warren denies that she ever touted her Native American background professionally, but in the Association of American Law Schools desk book, Elizabeth Warren even listed herself as a minority Harvard Law School professor.

It’s the Democrat way – Deny, Deny, Deny, Then apologize for a “misunderstanding” when the heat gets too high.

Desperately scrambling to validate Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage amid questions about whether she used her minority status to further her career, the Harvard Law professor’s campaign last night finally came up with what they claim is a Cherokee connection — her great-great-great-grandmother.

“She would be 1⁄32nd of Elizabeth Warren’s total ancestry,” noted genealogist Christopher Child said, referring to the candidate’s great-great-great-grandmother, O.C. Sarah Smith, who is listed on an Oklahoma marriage certificate as Cherokee. Smith is an ancestor on Warren’s mother’s side, Child said.

The missing link comes after Warren’s embattled campaign

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Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi Cashes In On Credit Card Regulations She Helped Craft

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Not only has Ultra Corrupt Nancy Pelosi completely failed to “Drain The Swamp” of crime and corruption in the Democrat party, she has actually added her own crime and corruption slime into the growing Democrat cesspool of corruption in Washington.

Pelosi seems to have been involved in crafting credit-card regulations on one hand, and cashing in on those regulations with the other hand. Typical Democrat Crime.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the dirtiest members of our government, who should be removed from office, but the brain-dead liberals in San Francisco hell will never get rid of her. They must like the corruption and crime she brings to their state.

Here is our guess as to how Nancy Pelosi’s corruption will be explained away. (The same way these corrupt Democrats explain away all of their crime and corruption.) “We are completely ignorant of any wrongdoing, and any perceived problems were just a misunderstanding”

Indications from the Beltway media world are that 60 Minutes is preparing

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