Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator – Now Opposes Layoff Warnings as President

Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator - Now Opposes Layoff Warnings as President

Obama Supported Layoff Warnings as Senator – Now Opposes Defense Contractor Layoff Warnings as President – Tries hiding impending layoff notices from being given to defense contractor employees.

Back in 2007, while campaigning for president, Obama said “The least employers can do when they’re anticipating layoffs is to let workers know they’re going to be out of a job and a paycheck with enough time to plan for their future”

Now that he is president though, Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption doesn’t want voters to know that many defense contractor employees will be notified that they will be losing their jobs just days before the election, so to try and minimize the damage to their campaigns, Obama and the Democrats have told employers that they don’t need to notify their employees of the massive impending layoffs.

Obama would rather that these voters be given their pink slips, and lose their jobs the day after the election, when he can start adding the out-of-work people to the unemployment and food stamp roles.

President Obama’s administration doesn’t see the need

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YouTube Restores Romney Anti-Obama Campaign Ad – Concludes Fair Use Under DMCA

YouTube has determined that the copyright claim by Al Green and BMG Rights Management was not valid, and have restored the new campaign video that Obama and the Democrats obviously do not want you to see.

The the “Political Payoffs And Middle Class Layoffs” video was only restored after the video was posted to vimeo.com, a website that competes with YouTube, which leads us to wonder if the restoration of the video may be an attempt to keep users coming to their site for videos, instead of heading over to vimeo.com, where there seems to be much less politicization going on.

Here is the “Political Payoffs And Middle Class Layoffs” video. Enjoy!

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

I think everyone should start using legal “Fair Use” clips of Al Green’s music in their YouTube videos – just to piss off Al Green and BMG Rights Management.

YouTube on Thursday restored a Web ad for Mitt Romney featuring audio of President Barack

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