Entitled Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than Blacks

Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than BlacksIf black people are angry that the unemployment is twice what white unemployment is, and if black people are mad that certain businesses hire far more Mexicans than Blacks, you have only Obama and the Democrats to blame.

Obama and the Democrats have lied over and over to American minorities, saying how concerned they are with creating more jobs that would lower the unemployment rates in these communities, but in reality, Obama has done absolutely nothing for blacks or other minorities. Obama says that he is concerned for black people, but Obama doesn’t are one iota about black people – he only wanted their vote.

Unemployment in the black communities are higher now than they ever were under a conservative President, and if you think things are bad now, just wait until Obama enacts their amnesty program for the millions of Mexicans already here, and their Open Borders policy, which allows anyone and everyone into the country. Blacks will see unemployment raise to 20%. (and I bet the entitled and brainwashed idiots keep voting Democrat, even though Democrats have only …

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Obama Hypocritical Attacks on Romney Outsourcing Coming Back to Bite Democrats

Obama Hypocritical Attacks on Romney Outsourcing Coming Back to Bite Democrats

Obama Hypocritical Attacks on Romney Outsourcing Coming Back to Bite Democrats

Obama and his cronies have steadily kept up their hypocritical drumbeat calling attention to Mitt Romney advising businesses that outsourced jobs, while Obama’s own jobs creation council includes at least 23 members who have imported 12,366 shipments of goods from China, totaling over 20 billion pounds, in the mere 18 months since they started advising the Obama administration.

Obama’s jobs creation council members are purchasing many items from China that are produced in the USA as well, but Obama’s cronies seem content creating more jobs in China than in the United States.

While President Barack Obama has attacked Mitt Romney for advising businesses that outsourced jobs, many of the executives on the president’s own jobs creation council run or advise companies that import cheaper overseas goods instead of buying American alternatives, U.S. trade records show.

Commerce Department import records reviewed by the Washington Guardian show the companies affiliated with the 23 active and 3 ex-officio members of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness imported 12,366 shipments from China

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Obama Administration Union Cronyism: 20,000 Non-Union Delphi Pensions Terminated by Democrats While Union Pensions Increased

Obama Administration Union Cronyism: 20,000 Non-Union Delphi Pensions Terminated by Democrats While Union Pensions Increased

Obama Administration Union Cronyism: 20,000 Non-Union Delphi Pensions Terminated by Democrats While Union Pensions Increased

The Obama administration has always played favorites with the Unions, but it’s shocking to see how non-union employees are mistreated by Obama’s goons.

The Obama administration actually terminated the pensions of 20,000 non-union pensioners during the Government Motors takeover, while the pensions were increased for pensioners who were members of the United Auto Workers union.

The corruption and crimes of this administration seem to be never-ending, and the unbelievable crap that the Obama administration has been caught pulling on the American People, and not been thrown out of office on his skinny ass is an amazement as well to many.

Emails obtained by The Daily Caller show that the U.S. Treasury Department, led by Timothy Geithner, was the driving force behind terminating the pensions of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts manufacturing company.

The move, made in 2009 while the Obama administration implemented its auto bailout plan, appears to have been made solely because those retirees were not members of labor unions.


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Brain-Dead DNC Chair Blames Tea Party for Tucson Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords

Brain-Dead DNC Chair Blames Tea Party for Tucson Shooting

Brain-Dead DNC Chair Blames Tea Party for Tucson Shooting

Brain-Dead Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, (D-Fla.) is full of shit, and trying to say that the Tea Party is responsible for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords. This is the same brainless crap this jackass has been trying to pull since taking her position. In fact Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz reminds me of the Iraqi Defense Minister who, time after time, said that the American Military was no where near Baghdad, when everyone with a brain knew that he was lying, and that we were already at their doorstep.

The REAL people responsible for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, and the killing of six other victims, is the shooting suspect Jared Loughner, and the people in charge of Gabrielle Giffords, because they didn’t take the extra precautions needed to protect Giffords and others, after Giffords had been receiving credible death threats.

Anyone who attacks the Tea Party like this is a complete idiot, who is trying to pull the wool over the American People’s …

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Astroturf: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems. Notice their sign which reads "Capitalism Is Organized Crime"

So, liberal, Socialist, and Marxist anti-capitalism groups, and the corrupt liberal media, and the Obama administration want the American People to believe the “Occupy Wall Street” and “Occupy DC” riots are a result of grassroots anger and discontent, but we are now learning that many of these idiots have been actually PAYED TO PARTICIPATE in the anti-business, anti-capitalism riots.

This is the same type of typical lies and deception that the Obama administration and the other jackasses on the left try to pass onto the American People as fact, but we all know that these people cannot be trusted.

We also are learning that the real people behind the anti-capitalism riots are the labor unions, George Soros, the Obama administration, and other anti-American jackasses.

When stinky hippie protesters carry signs that read “Capitalism Is Organized Crime”, and all of the brainless losers around them agree, there is no more hiding from the truth!

A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on

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