Mentally-Challenged Wisconsin State Rep Loser Brett Hulsey Plans on Handing out KKK Hoods to Republicans – Doesn’t Know Long KKK History of Democrat Party

Brainless Wisconsin state representative Brett Hulsey says he plans on handing out homemade KKK hoods to Republican members of the Wisconsin state legislature.

Mentally-Challenged Wisconsin State Rep Loser Brett Hulsey Plans on Handing out KKK Hoods to Republicans - Doesn't Know Long KKK History of Democrat Party

Mentally-Challenged Wisconsin State Rep Loser Brett Hulsey Plans on Handing out KKK Hoods to Republicans – Doesn’t Know Long KKK History of Democrat Party

Did dumb-ass Brett Hulsey actually make these KKK hoods, or did he go raid the closets of fellow Democrats, including KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd? Or maybe these are mentally-challenged Brett Hulsey’s dunce caps?

The mentally-challenged Brett Hulsey must not know the history of his own party, because the Democrats started the KKK, and actually welcomed a KKK member, Senator Robert Byrd, into the Democrat party.

We think senator Byrd was a racist KKK member and also a member of the Democrat party until the day he died. After death, Democrats crawled all over themselves to honor the racist, throwing all kinds of compliments towards the KKK recruiter.

Brett Hulsey, a Wisconsin state representative and Democratic candidate for governor, thinks he has a surefire way to shoot past his better-funded and

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Hank Aaron Correlates US Race Relations to Number of Blacks in Baseball

Hank Aaron Correlates US Race Relations to Number of Blacks in Baseball

Hank Aaron Correlates US Race Relations to Number of Blacks in Baseball

Hank Aaron may be considered a “baseball legend” but he seems to be going a little senile.

Hank Arron says the state of race relations in the United States is still bad because there aren’t as many blacks playing major league baseball as there used to be.. HUH?? WHAT?? Sorry Hank, but you’re becoming unhinged, and should probably go take your meds and lay down for a while. Just sit the next few plays out.

The reason why the number of blacks playing in the Major League is directly affected by the number of better players being brought in from the Dominican Republic and other newer baseball talent pools.

Mr Aaron also says that Obama is “stuck in the mud” because of Republicans treating him badly, which is completely wrong. Obama may be stuck in the mud, but due to his own policies, which have proved to be bad for America. Obama being stuck in the mud has more to do with the corruption and crime that oozes …

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