Angry Black Woman, Michelle Obama, Doesn’t like Accurate Personal Descriptions

Angry Black Woman, Michelle Obama, Doesn't like Accurate Personal Descriptions

Angry Black Woman, Michelle Obama, Doesn't like Accurate Personal Descriptions

Michelle Obama, who is definitely the epitome of an “Angry Black Woman”, has decided that she doesn’t like when people accurately describe her.

Michelle, who are you trying to fool? You ARE an angry black lady, so deal with it!

First lady Michelle Obama is challenging assertions she’s forcefully imposed her will on White House aides and says people have inaccurately tried to portray her as “some kind of angry black woman.”

Mrs. Obama tells CBS News she hasn’t read New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor’s new book that characterizes her as a behind-the-scenes force in the Executive Mansion, whose strong views often draw her into conflict with President Barack Obama’s top advisers.

“I never read these books,” she told CBS’s Gayle King in an interview broadcast Wednesday. “So I’ve just gotten in the habit of not reading other people’s impressions of people.”

In the book, Mrs. Obama is said to have occasionally bristled at some of the demands and constraints of life in the White House.

In the interview,

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Obama Administration Covers Up Details Of Lavish 2009 Halloween Party – Omits Hollywood Stars From WH Visitor Logs

Obama Administration Covering Up Details Of Lavish 2009 Haloween Party

Obama Administration Covering Up Details Of Lavish 2009 Haloween Party

The most corrupt administration in the history of our nation is doing their best to cover-up the details of their lavish 2009 ‘Alice in Wonderland’-themed White House Halloween party, packed with Hollywood actors, and other stars. The Obama administration wasted a lot of our money to throw a lavish party for their friends and supporters, while many normal people were not even able to pay their bills, and now they are spending more of our money to support their lies, and trick the American People into believing that the Obama administration has the American People’s best interest at heart.

Director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp attended the party but their names have either been omitted, or removed from the White House Visitor Log, in a feeble attempt to cover-up their embarrassing greed.

The White House is under fire for reportedly trying to downplay the role that two Hollywood stars played at a 2009 Halloween party, with press secretary Jay Carney today calling the media’s reporting on the incident “irresponsible”

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