House Panel to Probe Obama’s Use of Stolen $500 Million in Bailout Funds for MSNBC TV Ads

A House of Representatives panel has requested all records from the U.S. Department of Labor involving the half-million dollars that the Obama administration stole from the American People to pay off their corrupt media arm hacks – Rachel “Bull Dyke” Maddow and Keith “Wack-job” Olberman

We know that the Obama administration has done a good job of staying above the law, which allows the most corrupt administration in US history to continue breaking the law, with no fear of being held accountable. Hopefully this time it will be different, but as Obama’s corrupt Justice Department did, they will probably just not comply with the House order.

A House panel is calling on the U.S. Department of Labor to turn over all records involving a half-million dollar contract funded through President Obama’s $831 billion stimulus program that paid for more than 100 commercials on MSNBC touting a “green jobs” initiative.

The contract with McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations LLC in 2009 resulted in more than 100 commercials on cable shows hosted by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman to raise awareness

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