Racist Democrat Sore Losers Reid & Holder Plan Next Steps of Continued Zimmerman Railroading

Racist Democrat Sore Losers Obama, Reid, & Holder Plan Next Steps of Continued Railroading of Zimmerman

Racist Democrat Sore Losers Obama, Reid, & Holder Plan Next Steps of Continued Railroading of Zimmerman

Obama & Holder’s “Attack on the American People” continues through the continued railroading of George Zimmerman.

Obama got involved in the Zimmerman case from the very beginning, with his comments and especially his ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’ comment.

Obama has commented again since the not guilty verdict by saying that we should honor Trayvon Martin with gun control.

“I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities,” Obama said in a statement on Sunday.

“We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As

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Gun Violence Down 39% Over Last 20 Years – Media Pushes Obama Anti Gun Talking Points Anyway

Gun violence is down 39% over the last 20 years, but if you watch MSNBC, CNN, or any of the liberal media outlets, you have probably been brainwashed to believe that gun violence is at an all-time high. This is nothing more than Democrat / liberal media smoke and mirrors.

“Despite the remarkable drop in gun crime, only 12% of Americans surveyed said gun crime had declined compared with two decades ago, according to Pew, which surveyed more than 900 adults this spring. Twenty-six percent said it had stayed the same, and 56% thought it had increased.”

The reason why people would think that gun violence has gone up, when in reality it has gone down, is due to the media’s head being firmly stuck up Obama’s ass, and anything he wants them to say, they will say – no matter if it is the truth, or another Obama lie that the media willingly assists in tricking the American People with.

Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun

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Weak on Terror: Obama’s Red Line on Syria Chemical Weapons Morphs Into Flimsy Hollow Threats

Weak on Terror: Obama's Red Line on Syria Chemical Weapons Morphs Into Flimsy Hollow ThreatsAs usual Obama is full of shit, and weak on terror.

Obama stated that if Syria used chemical weapons on its people, it would be a “red line” requiring action by the U.S., but in reality, when he found out that Syria actually has used chemical weapons on it’s people, Obama changed his tune, and decided that the “Red Line” was too harsh.

This is the same weakness towards terror that we have seen here in the United States, which has allowed us to be successfully attacked at least 5 times in Obama’s first 4 years in office.

Maybe Americans will learn that Democrats, including Obama and Eric Holder, are a bunch of lying terrorist-supporters, who also support killing 333,964 of their own babies by partial birth abortion in 2012, yet are up in arms about a fraction of the deaths caused by gun violence, usually committed by Democrats.

President Obama, who earlier said use of chemical weapons by Syria on its people would be a “red line” requiring action by the U.S., walked the stance back on Tuesday, saying

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Violent Chicago Democrat Obama Supporters Shoot 3.8 People Every Day

African Americans are shooting more people in Chicago every week, and the tally has reached 3.8 shootings a day, or one shooting every 6.3 hours! What?


It’s probably not a big leap to say that the majority of the African Americans living in Chicago are Democrats who supported Obama, and if this is the case, then we would have to say that African American Democrat Obama supporters, living in Obama’s adopted hometown of Chicago, are very violent!

Could the Democrats be behind the increase in gun violence to try and force their gun control on us? I wouldn’t put it past them because they have already done that exact thing using the Fast and Furious Gun Walking Scheme, which was designed to put high-powered guns in the hand of drug dealers and other violent criminals.

Could the millions of rounds of “lost” ammunition which Obama’s DHS has been stockpiling be making it’s way into the hands of Chicago criminals? I wouldn’t put this past the most corrupt administration in the history of the US either.

There have been 441 shootings

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Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sneaky Democrat Senators like Barbara Boxer, Bob Menendez, Kirsten Gillibrand, Dianne Feinstein, and Chuck Shumer tried slipping a gun control amendment into the cybersecurity bill which “would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition.”

So Democrats want you to be able to carry 10 rounds of ammunition per magazine, and anything else is illegal, and would be a crime. That is crazy and stupid! I can change a magazine in about a second, so this encroachment on the 2nd amendment will not do anything at all to stop gun violence.

Low-capacity magazines are also usually the most reliable, so changing to use two 10-round magazines, instead of using one 19-round magazine, will increase the chances that I will be able to shoot all 19 rounds without having a malfunction, and only slow me down by one second.

As we saw …

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