Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

Obama Administration Coverup Whitewashes Illegal Online Fundraising Story

The Obama administration is working hard to try and kill the breaking news stories reporting that over 70% of the donations that Obama has received may be illegal due to their foreign sources.

The Obama administration even actively disabled the portion of the website security that would have stopped these fraudulent donations from being accepted, knowing that they will never be forced to show how much dirty money the Obama administration’s calculated deceit and cheating has raked in.

Minutes after Newsweek published a story on the threat of illegal foreign and fraudulent online campaign donations late Monday afternoon, the Obama campaign struck back hard with a response smearing one of the article’s authors and offered an anemic defense of its online fundraising operations.

Earlier today, Breitbart News and myriad news agencies reported on a new 108-page investigation conducted by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) which examines the online donation systems of the entire U.S. Congress and the two presidential candidates. The report found that 47.3% of all House and Senate donation websites

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Obama 4 Years Later: Same Tired Speeches – Same Campaign Lies – Same Failed Policies

After 4 failed years in office, Obama continues giving the same tired and divisive speeches of wealth distribution and big government he gave 4 years ago.
We’re not buying it this time around – Obama is a failure.

While Obama was running for President, he said that his presidency would:
Create Jobs – Obama has badly failed creating jobs.
Grow Economy – Obama has badly failed to grow the economy.
End dependence on foreign oil – Obama has badly failed to end our dependence on foreign oil, and has actually made us more dependent on foreign sources of power.
recruit an army of new teachers – Obama has grown the government at an unbelievably quick pace, but teachers and schools have not benefited.
Make college more affordable – The cost of going to college has not been helped by Obama, other than getting more college students on Food Stamps.
Repair crumbling roads and bridges – Our roads and bridges are still crumbling and Obama has done nothing to help.
Put people back to work – The unemployment numbers continue to …

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