Brainless Democrat Immigration Policies Allow Terrorists to Kill Us Using Tax Dollars

Do we want more 9/11’s and Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombings, or do we want to live in a safe nation?

These are the questions that should guide our nation’s immigration’s laws, but the terrorist-loving Obama administration has already made the decision for us.

Brainless Democrat Immigration Policies Allow Terrorists to Kill Us Using Tax Dollars

Obama and his cronies have done everything in their power to leave our borders wide open to all any and all terrorists to walk right in and start killing us, using our own tax dollars. They have even sued the states who are trying to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants and terrorists over the border, to force the states to leave their borders open to invasion by the world’s most dangerous people.

If we want to stop the terrorist attacks that Obama has allowed through and actually be safe, then the borders need to be locked down tight, and only legal immigrants should be allowed into the country. In addition, students need to be more carefully checked out, and students who are here on expired visas need to be sent back home.

As long as …

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Money for Nothing: Illegal Immigrants Who Pay No Taxes to Receive Over $7 billion in Refunds

Money for Nothing: Illegal Immigrants Who Pay No Taxes to Receive Over $7 billion in Refunds

Money for Nothing: Illegal Immigrants Who Pay No Taxes to Receive Over $7 billion in Refunds

Illegal immigrants who entered our country illegally have been using a loophole in the child tax credit to steal over $7 Billion in fraudulent tax refunds from our government.

If Obama was serious about securing US Borders, they could do something to stop the flow of illegal immigrants entering our country, and they could stop the fraudulent tax refunds from being handed out to people who should not be receiving them, but Obama and the Democrats want open borders, so this is all part of Obama’s secret back-door amnesty plan.

Illegal immigrants could receive more than $7 billion this year in federal tax credits, according to one estimate, thanks to a loophole in the law that allows people not authorized to work to reap the government payments with no questions asked.

Sen. Jeff Sessions’ office calculated that, based on recent trends, illegal immigrants could receive roughly $7.4 billion through a provision known as the Additional Child Tax Credit. That’s more than quadruple what the

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