Holder’s Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough – Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Holder's Fake Leak Investigation Not Good Enough - Independent Special Prosecutor Needed!

Does Eric Holder really believe that hiring their own inside people to investigate very serious leaks of classified security information by his friends in the Obama administration is good enough? Leaks that our intelligence people say is the “worst breach they’ve ever seen”.

Mr Holder said that he has every confidence that the people he appointed will “doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in pursuit of justice wherever it leads”, but we do not feel that this is the case, and have absolutely no confidence in Eric Holder, or anyone working for him to do the right thing.

The investigators appointed by Eric Holder are not intended to get to the bottom of the leaks by the Obama administration, and are only intended to “diffuse the situation and create ambiguity”. Eric Holder is an obstructionist who would never have his investigators go after the people in the Obama administration who have been leaking important classified security information to the media. (leaks that were designed to make Obama …

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Summary Of Tentative Debt Ceiling Deal Reached Between GOP And Obama

This is a summary of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement on, which many say, will only moderately help our debt problem, and may allow Obama and the Democrats to jack up people’s taxes in the process.

Many in the media will attribute some of the details of the deal to the Tea Party, which would be correct. Without the Tea Party’s influence, Obama and the Democrats would have been able to take this debt deal in a completely different direction, which most independents and conservatives would not be happy with at all.

Obama’s plan would have consisted mostly of cuts to the military, and tax increases to you and me, but little change would have been done to curb the Obama Administration’s over-spending binge, which got us into this precarious position in the first place. It is also Obama’s over-spending binge, and the threats of extra tax liabilities (or “revenues” in “Democrat-speak”) which has kept our economy from recovering, despite all of their unfortunate bailouts, buyouts, and useless Obama “stimulus”, which didn’t …

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