Obama Administration’s Full Support of Illegals and Terrorists Invites A Terrorist Attack Worse Than 9/11

Obama’s Full Support of Illegals and Terrorists Invites A Terrorist Attack Worse Than 9/11

Obama’s Full Support of Illegals and Terrorists Invites A Terrorist Attack Worse Than 9/11

We think it is 100% true that Obama’s support of undocumented illegal immigrants and their terrorist friends invites a new terrorist attack that will be far worse than 9/11.

As we have said for years, the Obama administration’s intentional weakening of our border security has allowed terrorists into the country and DEFINITELY WILL cause the United States to be attacked again by terrorists in the very near future – an attack that will undoubtedly make 9/11 look tame.

Now others are starting to take heed of our warnings that Obama’s lax to non-existent border security actually lends support to the terrorist sleeper cells that have had years to setup shop in the United States and plan their next terror attack on America.

When The United States gets attacked again, the terrorist-friendly Democrats will try and blame Republicans for the attack, when we will know that the attack has its roots in the Obama administration.

President Barack Obama’s lax immigration policies are inviting another massive jihad attack

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Murdered ‘America’s Top Model’ Contestant Killed By An Obama DACA Illegal Immigrant Gang Member

The violent criminal who murdered the former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant, , is an illegal immigrant gang member who was allowed to stay in the US after applying for Obama’s dangerous “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program.

Murdered ‘America’s Top Model’ Contestant Killed By An Obama DACA Illegal Immigrant Gang Member

Murdered ‘America’s Top Model’ Contestant Killed By An Obama DACA Illegal Immigrant Gang Member

Obama obviously doesn’t care if 1 or 10,000 Americans are murdered by violent illegal immigrant gang members, or terrorist sleeper cells that he has not only allowed to enter our country, but has given cover and legitimacy to as well. Obama probably feels like he wins when Americans are killed by his illegal/terrorist buddies.

This confirms that Obama himself is a terrorist of the worst possible kind. Obama is a one man terrorist sleeper cell that has single-handedly damaged the security of America so badly that we will for sure be attacked again in the next few years, and the attack will make 9/11 look like child’s play-time.

When the United States gets attacked again, as usual the Democrats will undoubtedly blame the Republicans and the corrupt …

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