Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is “Stuck Making $172,000 a Year”

Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is "Stuck Making $172,000 a Year"

Greedy & Self-Serving Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) Claims He is “Stuck Making $172,000 a Year”

A very greedy and self-serving Republican congressman, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.), says that he is “stuck here making $172,000 a year”, while staffers can go to K Street and make $500,000 a year.

Honestly, Mr. Gingrey, you definitely are not “stuck” anywhere. You say that you’re a “public servant”, but it seems that the only person you want to serve is yourself. These slimeball politicians, like Rep. Phil Gingrey, continue to feel that they are worth much more than they really are, and if given the opportunity, all corrupt politicians would line their own pockets instead of doing real, honest public service.

We could replace most congressmen with a bucket of sand, so if you are that upset about making $172,000 a year, then quit and get a real job. Jackass!

Term Limits Now!!

In an argument against a special exemption allowing Hill staffers to buy health insurance, one lawmaker said he’s “stuck” making $172,000 a year, while aides will go on to make

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Inept King of Irresponsibility, Eric Holder, Calls REPUBLICANS Irresponsible

Republicans being called irrisponsibe by Eric Holder?
Now THAT’S rich!! (and actually a little sad and funny)

Corrupt, inept, Eric Holder says that REPUBLICANS are being “Irresponsible” for investigating the their unbelievably irresponsible, and deadly, gun-running scheme, scandal.

Compounding their growing mountain of problems, Holder and the Democrats have also tried their best to coverup their knowledge of the scandal, and reduce their liability in the crimes committed with the assault weapons the allowed to “walk” into the hands of criminals – and then accross the border into Mexico, unchecked. Eric Holder himself even lied to congress, while under oath, about when he knew about the “Fast and furious Gun Running Scandal.”

Eric Holder does not want more damaging info coming out showing that they were fully aware that guns they allowed to be purchased by criminals were being then handed over to Mexican Drug Cartells, and then used to kill people, like one of our border agents.

Eric Holder is either a complete idiot, or he is completely corrupt. Probably both.

Attorney General Eric Holder accused congressional Republicans of

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Obama Says REPUBLICANS Would ‘Cripple’ America, While He Just Destroys It

So, Obama says that REPUBLICANS would ‘cripple’ America?????

That has to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard, because of who said it.

Obama is already way past crippling, and is well on his way to destroying America, in less than one term in the White House.

To save America from sure destruction, we need to make this Obama’s last term in office.

We all need to get out there and do something extra to create votes for conservatives, across the board in 2012, or else there may not be a chance to fix the widespread destruction which the Obama administration has left in it’s deep wake of socialist policies, overspending, and corruption.

Inviting questions, President Barack Obama got one he was happy to answer.

“Would you please raise my taxes?” one man asked the president at a town hall here Monday, hosted by the social networking company LinkedIn.

The questioner described himself as unemployed by choice after succeeding at a search-engine startup company that did “quite well” – he was later identified as former Google executive

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Boehner Ends Dead-End Debt Limit Talks With Tax-Hungry Obama

Obama and most of the Democrats are not honestly in favor of lowering the debt. They do want to raise the debt ceiling and jack up taxes to feed their out-of-control spending, impose more and more job-killing regulations to further damage the economy, and increase the size of the government to try and make us more dependent on the free handouts, as many already are.

Obama and the Democrats have had plenty of time to get the majority of our problems figured out, yet they waited until the last second on the debt problem because they wanted the American People to feel as though their backs were against the wall, and that a Democrat plan must be crammed through as soon as possible. They did the same thing with their socialist takeovers of private sector businesses, and the healthcare bill that none of the Democrats even read before passing.

Here is the letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that explains why he broke off the debt ceiling negotiations with President Obama.

Dear Colleague,

Our economy is not creating enough

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