America’s Top Racist Eric Holder Still Going After Zimmerman on Civil Rights Charges Despite FBI Finding of No Racism

America's Top Racist Eric Holder Still Going After Zimmerman on Civil Rights Charges Despite FBI Finding of No Racism

America’s Top Racist Eric Holder Still Going After Zimmerman on Civil Rights Charges Despite FBI Finding of No Racism

The ultra corrupt Obama Department of Justice is so far not backing down on their new civil rights case they are putting together against George Zimmerman, after losing the initial case that America’s top Racist criminal helped bring about, with absolutely no evidence.

The whole reason why Zimmerman was even charged with no evidence was because Obama and his racist cronies got involved, and started kicking up as much racial unrest as they could, while pressuring everyone involved to bring a 2nd degree murder case against George Zimmerman, when they knew they could not prove a 2nd degree murder charge.

During the first railroading of George Zimmerman, the FBI found that there was no racial component to the shooting of Trayvon Martin, until Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and the other corrupt racists got involved. The only actual racism or violence we have seen since the Zimmerman case started was from black people, or in Obama’s case half black people.

Corrupt Eric Holder …

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NAACP (Black People’s KKK) Calls for DOJ to File Civil Rights Charges Against Zimmerman

The brainless racists at the NAACP have called on their equally brainless and racist thug cronies in the Department of Justice to brink civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

NAACP (Black People's KKK) Calls for DOJ to File Civil Rights Charges Against Zimmerman

NAACP (Black People’s KKK) Calls for DOJ to File Civil Rights Charges Against Zimmerman

If the NAACP would have asked earlier, we are sure that Obama and Holder would have started down the road of filing civil rights charges against Zimmerman, and it is still not out of the question that it could happen, but Obama and Holder would be completely crazy, and much more stupid than we think they are, to fall into the same race-baiting that got them to have charges filed against Zimmerman in the first place when there was no evidence to support their case.

The NAACP is one of the most racist organizations the word as ever seen, and we would even say that the NAACP is basically the modern-day “black person’s KKK”.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has called on the Obama administration to pursue civil rights charges against George

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