One of Most Impressive Facts About Trump Victory – Kicking Google’s Ass

It was pretty damn impressive that Donald Trump beat the 99% of the lamestream media who were against him with every story and comment, but I have to say that one of the things that impresses me the most is how President Elect Trump kicked Google’s ass.

One of Most Impressive Facts About Trump Victory - Kicking Google's Ass

One of Most Impressive Facts About Trump Victory – Kicking Google’s Ass

Google had been working exclusively for criminally-corrupt liar Hillary Clinton – from completely hiding negative trending searches that would give people information about Clinton crimes and corruption, to pushing popular stories down or completely off their search results to hide negative Clinton information from the American People. Google even data mined their unbelievable amount of user data, and handed over the data to the Clinton campaign, in their unsuccessful push to help Clinton win the election.

Google has always seemed to be this huge unbeatable blob of liberalism and technology, which was used full force to try and elect Hillary Clinton, while destroying Donald J. Trump, but Trump didn’t play by Google’s playbook, or any other playbook for that matter, other than his own.

The corrupt liberal media and liberal technology companies didn’t have Trump’s playbook, and obviously had no answers for the Trump phenomenon which swept the nation, despite every disgusting lie and dirty trick the “political establishment” and libtard media tried throwing against the wall.

And now all these stupid liberals are trying to blame everyone under the sun for Clinton’s political beating, other than the corrupt liar herself, who doomed her own campaign with her unbelievable corruption and lies, which Google and the media tried covering up, but Wikileaks helped bring to the view of the American Voter.

The libtard media has become even more completely unhinged than they already were wondering “How could Trump have won?” Well the answer is that Trump was always in the lead, but the brainless liberal assholes in the media are just too fucking corrupt and stupid to recognize reality when it’s bashing them over the head.

Julian Assange needs to be offered a presidential pardon by Donald Trump in the first 100 days of office for helping counteract the avalanche of lies and coverups that have become synonymous with the Democrat Party. It is pretty obvious that the sexual assault charges against Assange were made-up lies to try and get him extradited back to the United States, where the Democrats could put him in prison as punishment for opposing the Democrat Party.

Seems to be the exact same sexual assault playbook that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats tried using against Donald Trump in the final days of the campaign – which obviously failed miserably!

I had a feeling that Donald Trump would win the election after his first 2 weeks on the campaign trail, and with the mess that he is stepping into after 8 years with the worst president in US history, I now have a very strong feeling that Trump will be the best and most productive US President in my lifetime, and possibly in the history of the nation.

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