Muslim Terrorists Practice Next Attack On America in Brussels’ Zaventem Airport, Killing 34, Injuring 200

Muslim terrorists just successfully ran a test suicide attack in Brussels, using the same tactics that they will use in America, with much higher death tolls.

Muslim Terrorists Practice Next Attack On America in Brussels' Zaventem Airport, Killing 34, Injuring 200

Muslim Terrorists Practice Next Attack On America in Brussels’ Zaventem Airport, Killing 34, Injuring 200

Terrorists attacked the Zaventem airport in Brussels with two bomb blasts, which contained nails and other shrapnel.

Some of the same brand of Muslim terrorists that just killed 34 and wounded another 200 people in Brussels are already inside America, and more are on the way – entering the United States unseen and unchecked through Obama’s purposefully and criminally opened borders.

Obama and the Democrats are fully aware that they are putting the security of our nation at risk by inviting millions of illegal Muslims to enter the country, and live off the American People, until the Muslim terrorists start coming out of their shells to begin murdering innocent Americans.


Obama couldn’t even spend one full minute to condemn the Brussels terrorist attack during a speech he was giving in Cuba, and only spent 51 seconds talking about Tuesday’s terror attacks, before going back to his Socialist/Terrorist approving drivel.

When the next terrorist attack happens in America – and it will very soon – the terrorist-friendly Democrats will try and blame the attacks on Republicans, but we will all know without a doubt that America will have been attacked again due to Obama, America’s “Terrorist in Chief”, leaving our borders wide open, and inviting his terrorist buddies to walk right through and kill as many Americans as they can.

Even if the next terrorist attack on America comes when a Republican is in the Oval Office, the media and the Democrats will blame Republicans, but the attack will still be the direct result of Obama’s corrupt terrorist-friendly handling of the US border and other anti-American & pro-terrorist policies of the Democrats.

At least 34 people have been killed and more than 200 injured after a terrorist suicide attack ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels and another explosion hit a city metro station.

Shots were fired and Arabic shouted before the two airport bomb blasts – one of which contained nails, according to reports.
brussels terror attacks police arrest

Police arresting two people near Noord railway station after the attacks

Maalbeek metro station was targeted in a separate attack during the morning rush hour.

An empty pushchair could be seen surrounded by debris from an explosion at the airport, while children could be heard screaming after the underground blast.

At least 14 people died and 96 were wounded in the twin blasts, and some 20 people were killed and 106 injured – 10 critically – in the metro explosion.

Marc Decramer, a spokesman for University Hospital Gasthuisberg in Leuven, east of Brussels, told Flemish language broadcaster VTM that some of the wounded had suffered fractures and deep cuts caused by flying glass and nails.

Belgium’s federal prosecutor said all three explosions were “terrorist attacks”.

“There were two explosions in the departure area, one probably caused by a suicide bomber,” said Frederic Van Leeuw of the airport attack.

Police recovered a Kalashnikov assault rifle next to the dead attacker.

An unexploded bomb belt was also reportedly found at the terminal.

There was a controlled explosion of a suspect package at the Vrije University in central Brussels – as the country’s Tihange nuclear power plant was evacuated.

Two people were arrested by armed police at the city’s Noord railway station hours later – as officials said they feared “people are still at large”.

As the city went into lockdown, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel condemned the attacks as “cowardly” on what he described as “a black day” for the nation.

“What we feared has happened, we were hit by blind attacks,” he said.

“This is a dark moment for our nation. We need calm and solidarity.”

Metro Trains Evacuated As Blast Hits Station

Zach Mouzoun, who arrived at the airport on a flight from Geneva about 10 minutes before the first blast, told France’s BFMTV: “It was atrocious. The ceilings collapsed. There was blood everywhere, injured people, bags everywhere. We were walking in the debris. It was a war scene.”

Confused and shocked passengers fled the terminal to safety as they were evacuated by armed police.

Footage also showed ceiling tiles littered across the floor and strewn black luggage belts, cases and bags at a check-in desk.

According to reports, the first blast took place near a counter where customers pay for overweight baggage – and the second near a Starbucks at the airport.

Anthony Deloos, who works for the baggage handling firm Swissport, said he “jumped into a luggage chute to be safe”.

The terror follows the dramatic arrest of Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam in the Belgian capital on Friday – four months after November’s terror in the French capital that left 130 people dead.

Authorities have said it is unclear if he is linked to Tuesday’s suspected coordinated attacks.

Sky Reporter Describes Moment Explosions Hit

Sky’s Alex Rossi had just checked-in at the airport when he heard “two very, very loud explosions”.

“I could feel the building move. There was also dust and smoke as well,” he said.

“There is a great deal of confusion here. Certainly there are a number of very upset, as you might imagine, very frightened people. There are fears that there might be other attackers,” he added.

Brussels Witnesses Tell Of ‘War Scene’

An extra 225 soldiers have been deployed to the city to beef up security.

Eurostar services to and from Brussels have been suspended – and all trains to the airport, which has been closed until further notice with more than 200 flights diverted or cancelled.

All public transport has been shutdown and residents told to stay at home, with Belgium hiking its terror threat to its highest level.

Security at key locations and transport hubs has also been stepped up across the UK, Netherlands, France and Germany.

British Prime Minister David Cameron’s spokeswoman said one British national had been injured in the attacks.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced the Eiffel Tower will be lit up this evening with Belgium’s national colours.

One of Islam’s leading institutions, Al Azhar, condemned the “heinous” attacks as a violation of “the tolerant teachings” of the religion.

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