Media-Hungry Ferguson Thugs Use Burned Memorial As Excuse to Start Looting & Rioting Again

The idiot criminal thugs in Ferguson have used a burned memorial for Michael Brown as an excuse to start cranking up the rioting and looting of innocent shopkeeper’s stores.

Media-Hungry Ferguson Thugs Use Burned Memorial As Excuse to Start Looting & Rioting Again

Media-Hungry Ferguson Thugs Use Burned Memorial As Excuse to Start Looting & Rioting Again

The jackass taking the video showing the burning memorial says that the fire was intentionally started, and it very well may have been started on purpose – and probably by violent criminal thugs who are hungry for the media attention they once had, and who wanted an excuse for mobs of people to start looting stores and burning buildings. Even trying to burn an area museum, for no reason whatsoever.

Of course none of the idiots rioting last night would ever think that the fire may have been started by the lit candles left as part of the memorial. That would be too easy. As far as they are concerned, it HAD to be a Ferguson Police officer who started the fire. If a police officer wanted to start the fire, it would have been started long ago.

Personally, we don’t think the Mike Brown Memorial was started on fire by Ferguson Police or by the candles left at the memorial. We think that someone in the media-hungry criminal mob started the fires to re-ignite the violent protests, and most importantly bring back the national media.

Just look at the mob of violent thug criminals who started all of the previous fires in Ferguson, and you will know exactly who started the Michael Brown Memorial on fire as well. They wanted all of the media cameras to come back, which, in their eyes, somehow legitimized the violent mob’s criminal actions.

Various news outlets reported new rounds of protests Tuesday in Ferguson, Missouri after a street-side memorial near the site of Michael Brown’s shooting burned to the ground.

Officials could not specify the exact cause of the small fire, but suspected it had to do with the candles placed around the memorial.

The person filming the following video assumed it was arson:

That assumption was what sent the estimated 200 outraged protestors into the streets, yelling chants at police, and surrounding a beauty salon that was reportedly broken into and looted for a third time since the fatal shooting.

A protester near the salon was heard shouting, “Burn it down!” Small fires were started outside of other businesses. Gunfire was also reported and by early Wednesday, three people were arrested, according to New York Daily News.

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