Lyin’ Hillary Clinton Guilty Of Perjury After Lying to Congress Multiple Times While Under Oath

House members have started pushing for perjury charges against Hillary Clinton after Clinton lied multiple times in her testimony under oath to congress last year.

Hillary Clinton testified before congress that she handed over ALL work related email, nut that was a lie. Lyin’ Hillary only handed over a small portion of the emails she was required by law to produce, and instead of complying with the law, criminal Hillary Clinton went ahead and deleted 33,000 emails – most were work related.

Hillary Clinton testified before congress that she never sent or received information marked classified at the time, which was a lie. Hillary Clinton DEFINITELY knowingly sent and received emails that were marked “Classified” or “Top Secret” BEFORE the messages were sent or received.

Hillary Clinton testified before congress that her lawyers went “through every single email” to find work-related emails to save, but that was a lie. Hillary’s lawyers apparently only used the subject lines to search from, and claim that they never actually read the emails. I would bet just about anything that Clinton’s cover-up team read every word of every email to determine which of the most damaging emails needed to be deleted and permanently wiped from the server. The only reason why Clinton’s team say that they never read the emails is because that would be yet another crime committed by Hillary, if she allowed people without proper security clearances to read through classified material.

Hillary Clinton testified before congress that she only had one illegal home-made bathroom-based mail server, but that was a lie. Hillary Clinton used MULTIPLE illegal servers to cover up her crimes and the unbelievable crimes of the Clinton Foundation, which should land the Clintons in prison for the rest of their lives, if we had an honest attorney general.

Hillary Clinton testified before congress that she only used one device to connect to her illegal insecure server, but that is a lie. Hillary Clinton used 3 different insecure devices to connect to their illegal and insecure home-based mail server, putting much of our national secrets out there for all of our enemies to see.

There is no doubt that the ultra corrupt skank US Attorney General Lorett Lynch will try her best to protect Clinton, but we feel that with all of the covering-up of crimes that Lynch has been doing for the Clintons will not be sustainable, and sooner or later Lynch will be FORCED, against her will, to do the right thing, and put Hillary Clinton behind bars where she belongs.

Two top House Republicans say Hillary Clinton appears to have lied to Congress, laying out a case Monday that they said could sustain perjury charges against the Democratic presidential nominee for failing to give an honest accounting of her use of a secret email server while she was secretary of state.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah said evidence the FBI collected during its investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email practices contradicts what she herself told Congress in testimony last year.

The two chairmen have officially referred the matter to the Justice Department for prosecution — though Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and her top aides have gone to great lengths this year to protect Mrs. Clinton from legal jeopardy, including matters involving her email and questions about the mixing of Clinton Foundation and State Department business.

Mr. Goodlatte and Mr. Chaffetz said FBI Director James B. Comey’s depiction of what he called Mrs. Clinton’s “extremely careless” email practices pokes holes in a number of statements Mrs. Clinton gave to Congress during her 2015 testimony to the House committee investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Mrs. Clinton testified at that time that she never sent or received information marked classified, but Mr. Comey told Congress last month that three such documents were in fact marked at the time she handled them via email.

Mrs. Clinton also testified that when she belatedly agreed to comply with open-records laws and return her work-related emails to the government, she had her attorneys go “through every single email.” But Mr. Comey said Mrs. Clinton’s attorneys used only search terms and subject lines to decide which emails to return and did not read each one.

The FBI director said his investigators discovered thousands of work-related messages Mrs. Clinton failed to turn over to the State Department, raising questions about yet another statement in Mrs. Clinton’s testimony last year. Mr. Comey also said Mrs. Clinton had multiple servers during her time using the secret account.

“Although there may be other aspects of Secretary Clinton’s sworn testimony that are at odds with the FBI’s findings, her testimony in those four areas bears specific scrutiny in light of the facts and evidence FBI Director James Comey described,” the chairmen said in a letter Monday referring the case to U.S. Attorney Channing D. Phillips, the chief federal prosecutor for the District of Columbia.

Mr. Phillips’ office referred questions to the Justice Department, which didn’t respond to a request for comment Monday afternoon.

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