Crazy Eichenwald -> Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Purposefully Provoked Twitter Attacks

Read this direct message string from unhinged lunatic leftist Kurt Eichenwald to 16 year old Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv.

Crazy Eichenwald --> Kashuv DM's Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Crazy Eichenwald –> Kashuv DM’s Show Eichenwald Poked & Attacked Twitter Haters

Eichenwald even admits to keeping the feud with Kashuv going to use it as an opportunity to poke people who don’t like him to provoke them into sending him animated GIF’s so that Eichenwald could report his detractors to the FBI.

They attacked followers of the Epilepsy foundation when they found out this worked. You have these kinds Of people following you. I have spent the day poking them so they would keep coming out. I have reported all of them to the FBI. They are now all going to have their identities revealed by Twitter to law enforcement. I did make a mistake with you, and I apologize. But once I realized this created a new opportunity to snag more of these bastards and get them to law enforcement, I took advantage of it. – Unhinged loser Kurt Eichenwald

So Eichenwald is purposefully trying to provoke people, and then using that purpose-driven provacation to get the FBI to attack on his behalf.

WHAT A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FUCKING LOSER!!! Eichenwald should be ashamed of himself!

Also remember that Eichenwald says that he had a psychiatrist “friend” review these direct messages, and says that the psychiatrist friend says that Kashuv is “desperate” and “in need of psychiatric help”

We think it is the other way around though, as it’s Eichenwald who comes off as desperate and nefinitely in need of psychiatric help.

We hope that the FBI reads these direct messages and drops any investigations of people posting towards Eichenwald, and maybe even hold Eichenwald responsible for harassing these kids.

Eichenwald says that he would debate Parkland high school students, like 16 year old Kyle Kashuv or Hitler Hogg, but apparently Eichenwald is too fucking stupid to debate someone more his age, like Ben Shapiro, and claims that Shapiro only debates “fringe nutbags”.

If that was the case, which it certainly is not, then Eichenwald would be perfect for Shapiro, because Eichenwald is an alt-left fringe lunatic liar.

The more Eichenwald opens his mouth, the worse it gets for him, and at this point I don’t see how this crazy fucker will ever be employable again in the United States.

One thing is for sure. Kurt Eichenwald is a deeply disturbed individual who has no place in the news business. He’s be better off working at McDonald’s, and even then I wouldn’t trust him to be able to do his job correctly.

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