CNN’s Don Lemon Ponders Whether a Black Hole Swallowed Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

Don Lemon and other losers at CNN had a discussion about the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, and actually had a serious conversation about whether a black hole could have swallowed the jet airliner out of the sky.

We all know that CNN is a sham “News Network” that would rather lie to all 3 of the people who watch the network than tell the truth. Especially when they are covering up the rampant corruption of the Obama administration.

CNN’s Don Lemon has been entertaining all sorts of theories about the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, including the chance something “supernatural” happened, but on Wednesday night, he actually asked panelists about the possibility a black hole was involved.

Lemon brought this up along with other “conspiracy theories” people have been floating on Twitter, including people noting the eerie parallels to Lost and The Twilight Zone, and wondered, “is it preposterous” to consider a black hole as a possibility?

Mary Schiavo, a former Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Transportation, said, “A small black hole would suck in our entire universe, so we know it’s not that.”

Here’s another theory I’ll just throw out there: what about the plane entered a wormhole into another dimension? I don’t know if that’s how the science works, though.

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