Brainless Libtard Democrat Loser Terry McAuliffe Thinks 93 Million Americans Are Killed EVERYDAY in America

Virginia’s brainless libtard loser governor calls for gun control at the scene of the Scalise shooting in Virginia, and mental midget McAuliffe apparently thinks that 93 million Americans are killed everyday with guns.

“This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.” – Brainless Libtard Joke Terry McAuliffe

The scary thing is that he probably wishes it were true that 93 million Americans die everyday due to gun violence.

Get a fucking clue McAuliffe, you stupid piece of shit!

While speaking to reporters about the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) said now is not the time to talk gun control but we must admit “we lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”

McAuliffe said, “This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street.”

Speaking to reporters, he said, “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I’ve long talked about this. Background checks, shutting down gun show loopholes. That’s not for today’s discussion, but it’s not just about politicians. We worry about this every day for all of our citizens.”

A reporter responded, “If it’s not for today then why are you bringing it up?”

McAuliffe responded by saying he talks about gun control “every day” because it is “a very serious issue.”

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