Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Brainless Democrats Fear Global Warming Lie More than REAL Threats Like ISIS Terrorists

Global Warming has been all but proven to be a lie – a vehicle that allows the Democrats to impose many new taxes and restrictions, and most importantly to redistribute wealth from the ambitious to the lazy.

Democrats have worked long and hard to make the new taxes and regulations seem necessary “to save the earth”, but everyone, other than stupid brainwashed liberals, knows that Global Warming is just a huge concocted lie.

In fact, a new Pew Research Center/USA Today Poll shows that idiots on the left actually fear the Global Warming Lie more than terrorists of ISIS, who’s stated goals are to kill as many Americans as they can, and to fly the ugly flag of Islam over the White House.

The stupid liberals also fear the Global Warming Lie more than the nuclear weapon programs of Iran and North Korea.


Democrats are more afraid of global warming than the threat posed by the Islamic State terrorists, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

The poll shows that 68 percent of Democrats believe that global climate change is a major threat to the United States, compared to just 25 percent of Republicans.

In contrast, 65 percent of Democrats believe that ISIS is a major threat, three points less than climate change. Seventy-eight percent of Republicans cited ISIS as a major threat -+ a partisan difference of 13 points.

Eighty percent of Republicans also cite “Islamic extremist groups like al Qaeda” as a major threat to the United States compared to 69 percent of Democrats.

Republicans also trump Democrats in citing North Korea’s nuclear program, China’s emergence as a world power, Iran’s nuclear program, and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians as a threat to the United States.

The only threat that both parties agree on is the growing tensions between Russia and its neighbors, cited by both at 54 percent.

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