Brainless Anti Constitution – Pro Baby Murder Libtard Andrew Cuomo Says Conservatives Not Welcome in NY – GOP Revolts

Brainless Libtard Andrew Cuomo Says Conservatives Not Welcome in NY - GOP Revolts

Brainless Libtard Andrew Cuomo Says Conservatives Not Welcome in NY – GOP Revolts

The new piece of shit New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, has told conservatives to stay out of New York, saying that the dirtiest and most dangerous state in America would not welcome people who believe in the 2nd amendment, traditional marriage, or those who feel that that murdering babies is wrong.

For Seinfeld fans, it is the equivalent of Mr. Seinfeld telling Mr Costansa that there are no places available to rent in Del Boca Vista, and we should take it the same way that Mr Costansa took it, and revolt!

I say that conservatives should start moving to New York and take the shit-hole over!

New York would be a great place if it wasn’t such a nasty cesspool of liberal baby murderers and scumbags who either hate America, or just don’t believe in the Constitution of the United States. Once we take over NY, brainless libtards like Andrew Cuomo will quickly become an extinct breed – which is just what our nation needs.

“You think you can keep us out of New York? We’re moving in lock stock and barrel! We’re going to be at the pool. We’re going to be at the clubhouse. We’re going to be all over that shuffle board court. AND I DARE YOU TO KEEP ME OUT!”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo believes that pro-life activists along with anti-gay activists, and supporters of the Second Amendment, are not welcome in his state.

During a radio interview on Friday, Cuomo pointed out that Republicans were in the midst of a schism, where conservatives worked against moderate Republicans.

“Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves,” he said. “Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

State Republicans blasted his comments, the New York Post reported, even as the governor walked them back on Sunday in an open letter to the newspaper.

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