Brain Dead MSNBC: Karen Finney Blames Limbaugh, Gingrich, and Santorum For Trayvon Martin Shooting!

US Backlash does not support the defense of George Zimmerman after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, but we are not out to convict the man either, as many in the media have done from immediately hearing the initial reports.

Here, you will see brain-dead, piece of crap, MSNBC skank, Karen Finney, who unbelievably wants to blame the shooting of Trayvon Martin on Republicans Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum!

Get a life Karen Finney, you stupid f’ing skank!

Nobody except George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin know what happened that fateful night, and since Trayvon Martin is dead, the only person who really knows what happened is George Zimmerman. So the next time you see the piece-of-crap race baiter Al Sharpton stirring up racial tensions, or know-nothing liberal jackasses on MSNBC or CNN, saying that Zimmerman is guilty, its only a very biased guess.. nothing more.

Smart People Don’t Watch MSNBC or CNN anyway, because everyone knows all you’ll get on these two channels is Obama Swooning, lies, coverups, and a heaping pile of steaming liberal crap!

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